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#                                                         #
#     README for check_rhev3 plugin for Icinga/Nagios     #
#                                                         #

What is check_rhev3?

This plugin for Icinga/Nagios is used to monitor a variety of
an RHEV or oVirt environement including datacenters, clusters, hosts,
vms, vm pools and storage domains.

Contributions / Help

Send email to [email protected] if you have questions regarding use
of this software. Please include the following information in your email:
* OS type and version
* Perl version

To submit patches or suggest improvements, send email to [email protected] or create
a pull request on Github. Thanks.


The check_rhev3 installation can be used by following the standard autotools
installation process, documented in the INSTALL file. As a quick start you can do

$ ./configure
$ make all
# make install

This will install check_rhev3 to /usr/local/nagios/libexec and the PNP template
to /usr/local/pnp4nagios/share/templates.

To change these paths use the following options:

If you don't use PNP you can disable installing the PNP template with:

To change the user and group ownership of these files use:

The 'nagios-plugins-rhev3.spec' file demonstrates how to distribute check_rhev3
as an RPM package.

Also make sure that the following requirements are met:

For Fedora 19 (and newer) install the following packages:
# yum install perl-libwww-perl perl-LWP-Protocol-https perl-HTTP-Message \

For RHEL 6 install the following packages:
# yum install perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-libwww-perl perl-XML-Simple

For Debian Squeeze install the following packages:
# apt-get install libwww-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libxml-simple-perl


Short documentation on how to use this plugin.

Detailed documentation can be found on the project website

The following checks can be performed by this plugin:

check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default -l status
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default -l version
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default -l storage
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default -l storage -s status
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default -l storage -s usage
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -D default -l storage -s overall-usage

check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -C default
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -C default -l hosts
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -C default -l vms
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -C default -l networks

check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l status
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l load
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l cpu
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l cpu -s usage
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l ksm
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l memory
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l memory -s mem
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l memory -s swap
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l network
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l network -s status
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l network -s traffic
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -R rhevh -l network -s errors

check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -S storage
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -S storage -l status
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -S storage -l usage

check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm -l status
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm -l cpu
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm -l memory
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm -l network
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm -l network -s traffic
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -M vm -l network -s errors

VM Pools
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -P pool
check_rhev3 -H rhevm -a admin@internal:password -P pool -l usage

Sample Icinga/Nagios definitions

Detailed information can be found on the project website

define command{
  command_name check_rhev3
  command_line $USER1$/check_rhev3 -H $_RHEVM$ -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$

define host{
  use       linux-server
  host_name rhevh
  alias     RHEV Hypervisor

define service{
  use                 generic-service
  host_name           rhevh
  service_description RHEV CPU Check
  check_command       check_rhev3!admin@internal:password!-R $HOSTNAME$ -l cpu