An OP addon to an already OP mod =] Adds a Wireless Terminal version of the AE2 Crafting Terminal with the ability to install upgrades
I'm a huge fan of Open Source software as well as helping people learn. As far as licensing, do what you want. Claim it as your own if you so wish. I don't care =D If you become popular/rich/get a hot wife due to claiming that you made my mod, I'm just glad I could help make another person's life better in some way.
- Current version is available on CurseForge
You install this mod by putting it into the minecraft/mods/
It requires that AE2 RV6 Stable also be installed.
- Post 'em in the issues section. =D
Providing as many details as possible does help us to find and resolve the issue faster and also you getting a fixed version as fast as possible.
- Clone this repository via
git clone [email protected]:p455w0rd/WirelessCraftingTerminal.git
or - HTTPS
git clone
- Setup workspace
- Decompiled source
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
- Obfuscated source
gradlew setupDevWorkspace
- CI server
gradlew setupCIWorkspace
- Build
gradlew build
. Jar will be inbuild/libs
- For core developer: Setup IDE
- IntelliJ: Import into IDE and execute
gradlew genIntellijRuns
afterwards - Eclipse: execute
gradlew eclipse
- Fork -> Edit -> PR
If you are only doing single file pull requests, GitHub supports using a quick way without the need of cloning your fork. Also read up about synching if you plan to contribute on regular basis.
To make your item a Wireless Crafting Terminal variant, register like normal with AE2 and implement
To open the WCT Gui from said item, use
WCTApi.instance().openWirelessCraftingTerminalGui(EntityPlayer player);
Configs have been moved to AE2WTLib
When compiling against the WCT API you can use gradle dependencies, just add
repositories {
maven {
name = "covers Maven"
url = ""
dependencies {
compile "p455w0rd:WirelessCraftingTerminal:<MC_VERSION>-<MOD_VERSION>:api"
or add the compile line to your existing dependencies task to your build.gradle
An example string would be p455w0rd:WirelessCraftingTerminal:1.12.2-3.10.77:api
for the API only or p455w0rd:WirelessCraftingTerminal:1.12.2-3.10.77
for the whole mod.
is included in this repository, fixes to typos are welcome.
Files must be encoded as UTF-8.
I would love for someone to do translations for me =]
Thanks to the following people for support, code, et al
- Code/tutorials/general help: Notch, brandon3055, Techjar, AlgorythmX2, thatsIch, Nividica, squeek502, M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC, cpw, LexManos, Pahimar, diesieben07, Wuppy, Jabelar, blay09, SirSengir, mezz