We will use MongoDB for our database needs. MongoDB being no-SQL natively supports JSON structured documents, which will make it straightfoward to import/export data locally as needed.
In MongoDB, documents are grouped and stored in "collections", which are equivalent to tables in a traditional RDBMS sense. For more details, see: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/databases-and-collections/
This collection stores data about the courses that are present in the dataset. This can be used, for example, to filter documents by relevant course during training.
"_id": "11111111", // [auto-generated]
"name": "DS100", // [unique]
"uri": "https://ds100.org/fa21/",
// [optional] other meta data, licenses, etc.
// ...
This collection stores all information pertaining to raw documents: HTML files, PDFs, PPTs, etc. Each material is linked to its course, and holds the raw original content for reference.
"_id": "22222222", // [auto-generated]
"course": "ObjectId(11111111)", // [foreign key]
"name": "", // [optional]
"uri": "https://ds100.org/fa21/grad_proj/gradproject/", // [unique]
"type": "html", // [html|pdf|ppt]
"raw": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en-US\">\n<head>\n <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n <title>Graduate Project - Data 100</title>\n\n ..."
// ...
This collection stores documents in a generic format that is most relevant for model training. Each document is titled and sectioned with tags, to allow flexible customization during pre-processing.
"_id": "33333333", // [auto-generated]
"material": "ObjectId(22222222)", // [foreign key]
"title": "Graduate Project\nRubrics", // [unique], \n separated if hierarchial
"contents": [
"tags": "plain", // [code|table|list|plain]
"text": "Each group will peer grade the projects from another group. The review will be graded out of a total of 15 points."
"tags": "list",
"text": "• A summary of the report (5 points). The summary should address at least the following: •• What research question does the group propose? Why is it important?"
// ...
// ...
This collection stores the raw data for question-answers, collected from forums such as Piazza.
"_id": "44444444", // [auto-generated]
"course": "ObjectId(11111111)", // [foreign key]
"uri": "https://piazza.com/class/ksqyjn4qfo7c5", // [unique]
"type": "piazza", // [piazza|<future_extensions>]
"raw": "[{\"folders\": [\"logistics\", \"other\"], \"nr\": 1421, \"created\": \"2019-12-30T23:20:16Z\", \"bucket_order\": 0, \"no_answer_followup\": 0}]"
// ...
"course": "ObjectId(44444444)", // [Course ref]
"_id": "55555555", // [Piazza ID code, unique]
"subject": "Regrade submissions did not go through", // [Subject line of Piazza Post]
"content": "Hey! I've noticed that my regrade..", // [Parsed text of the question]
"student_answer": "", // [Either contains parsed text answer or empty]
"instructor_answer": "Will look into it and...", // [Either contains parsed text answer or empty]
"folder" : ["other"] // [The folder that the student put the question in]
// ...