Unofficial implementation of StyleGAN2 config-f using TensorFlow 2.x.
Official paper from Nvidia:
Official repo using TensorFlow 1.x:
- Support for TensorFlow custom operations
- Support for CPU usage
The Conv2D op currently does not support grouped convolutions on the CPU. In consequence, when running with CPU, batch size should be 1.
Download network parameters to weights folder manually, or simpy run script located in weights folder.
# Create stylegan2 architecture (generator and discriminator) using cuda operations.
model = StyleGan2(resolution, impl='cuda', gpu=True)
# Load stylegan2 'ffhq' (generator and discriminator) using tensorflow operations.
model = StyleGan2(weights='ffhq', impl='ref', gpu=True)
# Load stylegan2 'horse' (generator and discriminator) using tensorflow operations in cpu.
model = StyleGan2(weights='horse', impl='ref', gpu=False)
# Load only generator network with 'car' weights
generator = StyleGan2Generator(weights='car', impl, gpu)
Examples on how to create, load and run the networks can be found in example_how_to_use notebook.
Examples on how to make a random walk in the latent vector and generate a gif, can be found in example_latent_changes notebook.
Training loop and metrics has not been implemented yet. Stay tuned.