Pattern Lab Node Core 2.6.0 Alpha
Pre-releasePattern Lab Node v2.6.0 Alpha
This is a CRAZY exciting release in the world of Pattern Lab Node. We've finally implemented support to hook into the frontend plugin architecture @dmolsen created for PL 2. Backend plugins are now also possible. I've documented plugins best I can in the wiki and released one plugin for people to review. Give that a shot and report any issues you encounter. I cannot wait to see what sort of plugins you create! Read more about plugins below.
I've also tried to address concerns about running Pattern Lab Node Editions as dependencies. At time of this writing, I've only done the Gulp edition, but if that is met positively the Grunt will follow suit.
There is also some exciting news on the team front: @raphaelokon has joined the team after sparking a conversation and committing to work on a true CLI for Pattern Lab Node. I've given it a spin and am very excited to see how it shapes up.
On top of all this comes a whole slew of bug fixes and littler improvements.
Because so much is going on with this release, I've marked it alpha. Please help test!
- ADD: Basic support for frontend and backend plugins | @bmuenzenmeyer
- Wiki:
- First Plugin / Reference Plugin: Plugin Node Tab
- ADD: Add ability to beautify code pane output | @gael-boyenval
- FIX: defaultPattern is not rendering on styleguide view | @bmuenzenmeyer
- FIX: styleModifiers are not included in pseudo patterns | @bmuenzenmeyer
- FIX: Alter postinstall to support editions being installed as dependencies | @bmuenzenmeyer
- CHG: Make listStarterkits return an array of repo objects | @raphaelokon
- CHG: Make the absence of source/_data/listitems.json a warning instead of an error | @bmuenzenmeyer
Follow the standard upgrade instructions.
It's now suggested to use an edition with Pattern Lab Node. Editions package up core, shared frontend assets, and a means to communicate with the API.
- Edition Node Gulp
- Edition Node Grunt - less tested
3 unit tests/assertions were added this release for a total of 367
Keep an eye on the milestones for a clearer understanding of where the project is going in the next few releases.
Of note are two large features:
- Plugin Support - in alpha with this release
- CLI - in progress thanks to @raphaelokon
The Pattern Lab Node Team
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