- This project aims to present early prototyping of ultra light-weight virtualization for shared computing platform.
- Currently, ULV is based on LKL(Linux Kernel Library) + solo5 tender
- Newly developed solo5 lkl tender is derrived from spt tender.
- GNU make
- musl-C library
- libgdbm
# make
- If build is ok, following files will be created
# solo5/tenders/lkl/solo5-lkl micro_benchmarks/syscall_test.spt
- execute system call tests(uname,gettimeofday,open/close) on ULV
# solo5/tenders/lkl/solo5-lkl macro_benchmarks/gdbm_test.spt
- execute gdbm application on ULV
# solo5/tenders/lkl/solo5-lkl macro_benchmarks/wget_test.spt
- execute wget application on ULV
This project was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(2020R1I1A1A01066121).