extract critical css from website(s)
- Configuration based
- Support for multiple bundles
- Uses Chrome
which is very accurate - Gets all your responsive CSS rules, by supporting different device profiles
- Post processes the CSS for you
- Works out of the box with
npm install --save get-critical-css
# terminal
get-critical-css --help
# usage: get-critical-css (config file)
# config file is optional and defaults to "critical-css.config.[js|json|coffee|ts]"
# in "build/" and "/"
Read by read-conf, from ./
or ./build/
by default.
// ./build/critical-css.config.js
module.exports = {
// https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
// type: Array
chromeFlags: ["--no-first-run","--disable-translate","--disable-background-networking","--disable-extensions","--disable-sync","--metrics-recording-only","--disable-default-apps","--disable-gpu","--headless"],
// Chrome Debugging Protocol port to use
chromePort: 9222, // Number
// Compress uncritical css
compress: true, // Boolean
// Wait after each navigation after frameStoppedLoading event for rendering
delay: 200, // Number
// type: Object
files: {
// Filename used to write critical css
critical: "_critical", // String
// Filename used to write uncritical css
uncritical: "_uncritical", // String
// Output folder
folder: "./app_build", // String
// Hash uncritical css
hash: true, // Boolean
// Where the website is hosted
// Default: localhost:8080
host: null, // String
// Generates a critical/uncritical pair for each $item
// $item ([Object, Array, String]) Options for one critical/uncritical pair
// $item.routes ([Array, String]) Routes that will be used, can be a shorthand for items.$item.routes.$item
// $item.routes.$item (String) Route to use. E.g. '/index' >> localhost:8080/index
// $item.profiles (Array) Overwrites default profiles option
// $item.folder (String) Overwrites default folder option
// $item.files (Object)
// $item.files.critical (String) Overwrites default files.critical option
// $item.files.uncritical (String) Overwrites default files.uncritical option
// $item.hash (Boolean) Overwrites default hash option
// $item.compress (Boolean) Overwrites default compressoption
items: null, // Array
// Minify CSS
// Default: Strip insignificant whitespace
minify: null, // [Boolean, Function]
// Device emulation: https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Emulation#method-setDeviceMetricsOverride
// type: Array
// $item (Object)
// $item.width (Number)
// $item.height (Number)
// $item.mobile (Boolean)
profiles: [{"width":2560,"height":1440},{"width":1280,"height":1280},{"width":720,"height":1280,"mobile":true},{"width":400,"height":800,"mobile":true}],
// Async function which should be used to start up the webserver
startUp: null, // Function
// …
compresses the uncritical css with Node zlib
by default.
You can also use zopfli
and/or brotli
compression by installing the corresponding packages:
npm install --save node-zopfli # to use zopfli instead of `zlib`
npm install --save iltorb # to additionally use brotli
For cache invalidation the uncritical css is hashed by default. Two files will be output:
will contain the uncritical css${files.uncritical}.css
will contain the hashed filename:${hash}.css
The critical css should be inlined in your html file,
while the uncritical should be lazy linked, with a fallback for noscript
There are several techniques get the generated CSS/files into your html, e.g. a template language like pug.js
<style type='text/css'>${criticalCSS}</style>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='${uncriticalFile}'></link>
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
var l = document.createElement("link")
l.type = "text/css"
l.rel = "stylesheet"
l.href = "${uncriticalFile}"
}, false)
Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.