Warning. This is old stable version. The new version is developed: https://github.com/viewzavr/vr-cinema
Web-based 3d visualization tool using CinemaScience format.
It allows you to easily explain to computer how to visualize your data in 3d, interactively control a scene and even generate animation.
You may find real cases and tutorial examples in examples dir.
A data for visualization should be expressed in specified format and then transferred to a web browser, where 38parrots interprets and visualizes it.
The format is textual and allows easily specify objects of 3d scene, parameters, and interconnection between them. User interface is generated automatically. During visualization, user control parameter values and see changes in a scene.
38parrots is based on CinemaScience format which is brilliantly simple and powerful at the same time.
38parrots adds 3d artifacts to CinemaScience, allowing to create various 3d scenes dependent from parameters.
In short, you describe scene in a special folder (e.g. cinema database). This folder should contain at least 1 file named data.csv
which describes a scene.
Let's look at example scene file (examples/_tutorial/0-points-fly.cdb/data.csv):
Here we see one parameter named T
and one 3d artifact named FILE_points_my
In addition, let's our folder contains files NN.csv with content like this:
X, Y, Z
4.21, 9.72, 10.61
6.69, 9.43, 3.38
9.85, 3.66, 2.09
Given with specified data on input, 38parrots will visualize it as on picture below and provide a control for T
parameter. If a user change it's value, the corresponding points file will be detected, loaded and displayed.
The presented approach for 3d scene description is developed in Computer visualization lab of N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences led by scientific supervision of V. L. Averbukh in 2020. www.cv.imm.uran.ru
2020 (c) Pavel Vasev