Peregrine is an efficient, single-machine system for performing data mining tasks on large graphs. Some graph mining applications include:
- Finding frequent subgraphs
- Generating the motif/graphlet distribution
- Finding all occurrences of a subgraph
Peregrine is highly programmable, so you can easily develop your own graph mining applications using its novel, declarative, graph-pattern-centric API. To write a Peregrine program, you describe which graph patterns you are interested in mining, and what to do with each occurrence of those patterns. You provide the what and the runtime handles the how.
For full details, you can read our paper published in EuroSys 2020 or the longer version on arXiv. For a deeper look at optimizations under the hood, check out our article in the 2021 ACM Operating Systems Review.
For an in-depth summary, watch the video presentation:
TL;DR: compared to other state-of-the-art open-source graph mining systems, Peregrine:
- executes up to 700x faster
- consumes up to 100x less memory
- scales to 100x larger data sets
- on 8x fewer machines
- with a simpler, more expressive API
- Quick start
- Writing your own programs
- Data graphs
- Reproducing our EuroSys 2020 paper results
- Contributing
- Acknowledgements
- Resources
Peregrine has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and Arch Linux but should work on any POSIX-y OS. It requires C++20 support (GCC version >= 10.1). Additionally, the tests require UnitTest++.
Ubuntu 18.04 prerequisites:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install g++-10 libunittest++-dev
To build Peregrine:
$ git clone
$ cd Peregrine
$ source tbb2020/bin/ intel64
$ make -j CC=g++-10
$ bin/test
Several sample applications, query patterns, and a sample dataset are released with the code. Calling any of the applications without arguments will show you what they expect:
$ bin/count
USAGE: bin/count <data graph> <pattern | #-motifs | #-clique> [# threads]
These applications print their results in <pattern>: <aggregation value>
For example, motif-counting:
$ bin/count data/citeseer 3-motifs 8
Counting 3-motifs
Finished reading datagraph: |V| = 3264 |E| = 4536
All patterns finished after 0.030265s
[2-3][1-3]: 23380
[1-2][1-3][2-3]: 1166
The string [2-3][1-3]
encodes the pattern consisting of edges (1, 3), (2, 3)
, and 23380 is the number of unique occurrences Peregrine found in the citeseer graph.
Other applications give similar output:
$ bin/count data/citeseer 4-clique 8
All patterns finished after 0.030265s
[3-4][1-2][1-3][1-4][2-3][2-4]: 255
$ bin/count data/citeseer query/p1.graph 8
All patterns finished after 0.003368s
[3-4][1-2][1-3][1-4][2-3]: 3730
FSM provides support values instead of counts:
$ bin/fsm data/citeseer 3 300 8 # size 3 FSM with support 300
Frequent patterns:
[1,0-2,0][1,0-3,0][2,0-4,0]: 303
[1,1-2,1][1,1-3,1][2,1-4,1]: 335
Finished in 0.078629s
The sample FSM app performs edge-induced FSM by default. For vertex-induced FSM, simply call it as
$ bin/fsm data/citeseer 3 300 8 v # vertex-induced
The existence-query application simply states whether the desired pattern exists or not:
$ bin/existence-query data/citeseer 14-clique 8
All patterns finished after 0.005509s
[pattern omitted due to length] doesn't exist in data/citeseer
The output application stores matches grouped by pattern in either CSV or packed binary format:
$ bin/output data/citeseer 3-motifs results bin 8
all patterns finished after 0.002905s
[1-3](1~2)[2-3]: 23380 matches stored in "results/[1-3](1~2)[2-3]"
[1-2][1-3][2-3]: 1166 matches stored in "results/[1-2][1-3][2-3]"
In the CSV format, for a pattern with n
vertices each line will contain a match written in the form:
In the binary format, matches are written as sequences of n
4-byte vertex IDs in binary, with no delimiters:
In Peregrine's programming model, you provide a data graph, a set of patterns you're interested in, and a callback the system will apply to each occurrence of these patterns in your data graph. We present a brief overview of the API here, beginning with constructing patterns.
For all of the following code snippets, assume we are using namespace Peregrine
We have not released support for directed graphs yet; the code currently assumes all graphs are undirected.
Pattern graphs can constructed in two ways using the SmallGraph
data structure:
Given a file in the following edge-list format:
<vertex-id> [label] <vertex-id> [label]
where the label
's are optional 32-bit integers and vertex ids are contiguous
integers starting from 1. To indicate a vertex is unlabelled in a
partially-labelled pattern, assign it label -1
. To indicate an anti-edge, any
extra integer can be placed at the end of the line.
For example, a triangle:
1 2
1 3
2 3
A vertex-induced 3-star, notice the last edge is an anti-edge:
1 2
1 3
2 3 1
A partially-labelled triangle (vertex 3 is unlabelled):
1 100 2 101
1 100 3 -1
2 101 3 -1
Then, construct the SmallGraph
SmallGraph p("pattern_graph.txt");
Construct an empty graph and add edges/anti-edges one by one:
SmallGraph p
.add_edge(1, 2)
.add_edge(1, 3)
.add_anti_edge(2, 3)
.set_label(1, 100)
.set_label(2, 101)
.set_label(3, -1);
The PatternGenerator
class is useful for
Quickly generating common patterns:
SmallGraph triangle = PatternGenerator::clique(3);
SmallGraph wedge = PatternGenerator::star(3);
Quickly generating many patterns:
int size = 4;
std::vector<SmallGraph> vertex_induced = PatternGenerator::all(size,
PatternGenerator::VERTEX_BASED, // 4 vertices
PatternGenerator::INCLUDE_ANTI_EDGES); // anti-edges are inserted between all unadjacent vertices
std::vector<SmallGraph> vertex_induced_edge_based = PatternGenerator::all(size,
PatternGenerator::EDGE_BASED, // 4 edges
PatternGenerator::INCLUDE_ANTI_EDGES); // anti-edges are inserted between all unadjacent vertices
std::vector<SmallGraph> edge_induced = PatternGenerator::all(size,
PatternGenerator::EDGE_BASED, // 4 edges
PatternGenerator::EXCLUDE_ANTI_EDGES); // no extra anti-edges are inserted
std::vector<SmallGraph> edge_induced_vertex_based = PatternGenerator::all(size,
PatternGenerator::VERTEX_BASED, // 4 vertices
PatternGenerator::EXCLUDE_ANTI_EDGES); // no extra anti-edges are inserted
Extending existing patterns:
std::vector<SmallGraph> vertex_extensions = PatternGenerator::extend({triangle}, PatternGenerator::VERTEX_BASED);
std::vector<SmallGraph> edge_extensions = PatternGenerator::extend({triangle}, PatternGenerator::EDGE_BASED);
Data graphs can be constructed from a preprocessed edge-list (see Data graphs) or a SmallGraph
DataGraph dg("preprocessed_data/");
SmallGraph g("small_data_graph.txt");
DataGraph dg(g);
Pattern matching is done through the match
, count
, and output
Counting instances of patterns is very simple. Consider the following minimal motifs program:
#include "Peregrine.hh"
using namespace Peregrine;
void motifs(int size)
int nthreads = 16;
DataGraph g("data/citeseer/");
auto patterns = PatternGenerator::all(size, PatternGenerator::VERTEX_BASED, PatternGenerator::INCLUDE_ANTI_EDGES);
auto results = count(g, patterns, nthreads);
for (const auto &[pattern, count] : results)
std::cout << pattern << ": " << count << std::endl;
The arguments to count
are straightforward: the data graph you wish to use,
the patterns whose instances you wish to count, and the number of worker
threads to use.
For arbitrary aggregations, use the match
or output
template functions.
For example, you could replace count
above with this snippet (note that using
will be faster):
const auto callback = [](auto &&handle, auto &&match) {, 1); };
auto results = match<Pattern, uint64_t, AT_THE_END, UNSTOPPABLE>(g, patterns, nthreads, callback);
First, let's explain the template arguments to match
is the aggregation key typeuint64_t
is the aggregation value typeAT_THE_END
describes when aggregation happens: eitherAT_THE_END
of execution orON_THE_FLY
indicates that you will not be using early termination
The regular parameters are the same as the count
example except for
. This is a function that will be called on each match for a pattern.
It takes two arguments: a handle to Peregrine's aggregator, and the match itself.
Here, callback
is mapping the pattern of the match to 1. Note that this lines
up with the types passed to match
: the aggregation key is Pattern
and the
value is an integer. Peregrine automatically takes care of simple types like
, aggregating them with the built-in sum operator.
Using more complicated aggregation values requires them to implement a few
methods and implement a view function. The sample FSM application is a great
example: check out both apps/
and apps/Domain.hh
to see a view
function and the aggregation value methods.
Users can call three methods on the handle
map(key, value)
: mapskey
: returns a view of the value mapped bykey
: halts exploration early
The output
function takes the same template parameters and arguments as match
, but allows you to write matches to disk using the callback
const auto callback = [](auto &&handle, auto &&match)
{, 1);
handle.template output<CSV>(match.mapping); // this writes out matches
auto results = output<Pattern, uint64_t, AT_THE_END, UNSTOPPABLE>(g, patterns, nthreads, callback);
You can pass output
an additional argument to specify where to put results (by default it writes them under "."):
auto results = output<Pattern, uint64_t, AT_THE_END, UNSTOPPABLE>(g, patterns, nthreads, callback, default_view<uint64_t>, "/destination/path/");
In the simple case that you want to output all matches and don't require any other processing, you can call an overloaded definition of output
auto results = output<CSV>(g, patterns, nthreads, "/destination/path/");
You can output matches in CSV or binary formats (Peregrine::CSV
or Peregrine::BIN
Peregrine's data processor ingests graph edge-lists and stores them in binary adjacency-list format. For labeled data graphs, a separate file of vertex-label pairs is used. Both vertex ID's and labels should be unsigned 32-bit integers. Vertex ID's are expected to be in the interval [1, vertex_count].
Edge-list file format:
<vertex-id> <vertex-id>
Label file format:
<vertex-id> <label>
Given such files edges.txt
and labels.txt
, the processor is used as follows:
$ cd Peregrine
$ mkdir data/my-graph
$ make convert_data
$ bin/convert_data edges.txt labels.txt data/my-graph/
To convert an unlabeled dataset, labels.txt
can be omitted.
See the guide.
Note that these instructions and datasets only work with the eurosys20-experiments
A sincere thank you for deciding to spend your valuable time on this project! PR's are welcome, and will be carefully considered so long as they do not degrade performance or compromise correctness.
If you want to understand the system, the most important bits are in:
, which contains the main entry-points to the systemPatternMatching.hh
, which contains the pattern matching engineGraph.hh
, where pattern analysis happens
You can also contribute in several ways without having to dig into Peregrine internals:
- Submit your applications to be included as samples
- Point out or improve missing or unsatisfactory documentation
- Complain about confusing errors
- Suggest features you wish Peregrine had
- Report correctness or performance bugs
We are grateful for the other open-source projects this codebase relies on:
If you use this software project, please cite:
author = {Jamshidi, Kasra and Mahadasa, Rakesh and Vora, Keval},
title = {Peregrine: A Pattern-Aware Graph Mining System},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450368827},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3342195.3387548},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems},
articleno = {Article 13},
numpages = {16},
location = {Heraklion, Greece},
series = {EuroSys ’20}
author = {Jamshidi, Kasra and Vora, Keval},
title = {A Deeper Dive into Pattern-Aware Subgraph Exploration with PEREGRINE},
year = {2021},
issue_date = {July 2021},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {55},
number = {1},
issn = {0163-5980},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3469379.3469381},
journal = {SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev.},
month = jun,
pages = {1–10},
numpages = {10}