fodinfo is a tiny web application made with Go F# that showcases best practices of running microservices in Kubernetes. fodinfo is a F# port of the great work of @stefanprodan in to F#.
Im using this as a project to learn F# and potentially create a usefull template for F# project.
- Health checks (readiness and liveness)
- Instrumented with Prometheus (In Progress)
- 12-factor app (In Progress)
- File watcher for secrets and configmaps
- Tracing with Istio and Jaeger
- Linkerd service profile
- Structured logging
- Fault injection (random errors and latency)
- Swagger docs
- Helm and Kustomize installers
- End-to-End testing with Kubernetes Kind and Helm
- Kustomize testing with GitHub Actions and Open Policy Agent
- Multi-arch container image with Docker buildx and Github Actions
- CVE scanning with trivy
- Graceful shutdown on interrupt signals
prints runtime information -
GET /version
prints fodinfo version and git commit hash -
GET /metrics
return HTTP requests duration and Go runtime metrics -
GET /healthz
used by Kubernetes liveness probe -
GET /readyz
used by Kubernetes readiness probe -
POST /readyz/enable
signals the Kubernetes LB that this instance is ready to receive traffic -
POST /readyz/disable
signals the Kubernetes LB to stop sending requests to this instance -
GET /status/{code}
returns the status code -
GET /panic
crashes the process with exit code 255 -
POST /echo
forwards the call to the backend service and echos the posted content -
GET /env
returns the environment variables as a JSON array -
GET /headers
returns a JSON with the request HTTP headers -
GET /delay/{seconds}
waits for the specified period -
POST /token
issues a JWT token valid for one minuteJWT=$(curl -sd 'anon' fodinfo:5000/token | jq -r .token)
GET /token/validate
validates the JWT tokencurl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" fodinfo:5000/token/validate
GET /configs
returns a JSON with configmaps and/or secrets mounted in theconfig
volume -
POST/PUT /cache/{key}
saves the posted content to Redis -
GET /cache/{key}
returns the content from Redis if the key exists -
DELETE /cache/{key}
deletes the key from Redis if exists -
POST /store
writes the posted content to disk at /data/hash and returns the SHA1 hash of the content -
GET /store/{hash}
returns the content of the file /data/hash if exists -
GET /ws/echo
echos content via websocketspodcli ws ws://localhost:5000/ws/echo
GET /chunked/{seconds}
to give a partial response and then waits for the specified period -
GET /swagger.json
returns the API Swagger docs, used for Linkerd service profiling and Gloo routes discovery