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Perses Plugins

This repository contains the core plugins for Perses

Build locally

Get plugin schemas dependencies

Most if not all the plugins schemas rely on the common CUE package of the perses/perses repo. To be able to evaluate the CUE model of a given plugin locally, you thus need to make this package available as en external CUE dependency for it. In the future this is something where you'd just have to run cue get (in the same way as go get for Golang libs), but for now you have to rely on an utility we provide through percli: percli plugin update.


The instructions are for the Table plugin, replace the name accordingly.

  1. As a pre-requisite, get-schemas-deps.go relies on percli to be a part of your $PATH variable.
    1. Build the perses project. This will generate the percli in the bin directory of the project.
    2. Add /absolute/path/to/percli/ to your $PATH variable.
  2. Install Cue deps with go run ./scripts/get-schemas-deps/get-schemas-deps.go
  3. Start development server of the plugin: cd Table; npm run dev
  4. Update the Perses configuration config.yaml to use development server for this plugin:
          - name: Table
            disable_schema: false
            url: http://localhost:3005
            absolute_path: /absolute/path/to/plugin/repository/table
  5. Start Perses backend (in perses repository): ./scripts/
  6. Start Perses frontend (in perses repository): cd ui; npm run start