A library to embed Kafka as a component into your program and use it for integration tests. Bindings for component and integrant are available.
The library defines a default component for the Kafka broker which can be embedded in your complete system (with the consumers / producers / stream processors etc.)
To start a broker for each test and make the resulting (integrant) system available under the *system* var (Integrant version):
(ns some-test-ns
(:require [integrant.core :as ig]
[clojure.test :as t]
[embedded-kafka.integrant :as embedded-kafka]
(def kafka-system
...your complete system config goes here...
embedded-kafka/default-system)) ; default kafka system
(t/use-fixtures :each (fn [f]
(with-bindings {#'*system* (ig/init kafka-system)}
(ig/halt! *system*))))))
The connection strings to Kafka and Zookeeper are available in the system under two keys, retrieve them as:
;; During system init:
(ig/ref ::embedded-kafka/kafka-connect)
(ig/ref ::embedded-kafka/zoo-keeper-connect)
;; In the test code itself:
(::embedded-kafka/kafka-connect *system*)
(::embedded-kafka/zoo-keeper-connect *system*)
Copyright © 2017 Pieter van Prooijen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.