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Paul McSweeney edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 48 revisions

Boost provides tab-complete to help with command entry, showing relevant suggestions for each parameter be that a command, a game name or a player name.

Player commands

The following commands can be used by regular players.

Command Result
/boost Display Boost command help.
/boost join <game> Join the named game.
/boost leave Leave your current game.
/boost stats [player] [Daily/Weekly/Monthly] [game] Display game stats for a player, over the specified time period, for the specified game arena.
/boost playersgames [player] [Daily/Weekly/Monthly] Display the list of games played by a player, including wins, losses and times, over the specified time period.
/boost top Display leader board.
/boost top <game> Display leader board for the specified game arena.
/boost top <Daily/Weekly/Monthly> Display periodic leader board.
/boost top <Daily/Weekly/Monthly> <game> Display periodic leader board for the specified game arena.
/boost status Get a list of games and their status.

Admin commands

The following command can only be used by players with appropriate permission or server OP.

General configuration

Command Result
/boost language <lang code> Set and load another supported language by a 2-character language prefix.
/boost on Turn the Boost game and controls on.
/boost off Turn the Boost game and controls off.
/boost updateconfig Update the config files to contain the latest content.
Ensures all config files contain all currently available entries as opposed to generating a fresh new file and copying your own customisation across.
/boost reload End all games, reload config, and re-initialize.
/boost addgameworld <world> Add a world to be managed by Boost.
/boost removegameworld <world> Remove world from Boost management.
Returns to normal gamemode.
/boost setmainlobby [world x y z] Set the spawn point for the main lobby.
Uses your position if world and coordinates are not supplied.
/boost togglelobbyboost Toggle the ability for players to Boost themselves in a game lobby.
/boost addwincommand <daily/weekly/monthly> <first/second/third> Add a command executed for the period leader board position.
/boost removewincommand <daily/weekly/monthly> <first/second/third> <index> Remove the numbered win command.
/boost testwincommands <daily/weekly/monthly> <first/second/third> [player] Run the win commands as a test.
Runs on you if no player name is supplied.
/boost showwincommands Show the array of commands executed for the leader board positions.
/boost setcooldown <milliseconds> Set the cool down delay in milliseconds between boosts.
0 disables the cool down.
/boost setstartdelay <milliseconds> Set the delay before players can boost after a game starts.
0 disables the start delay.
/boost allowcommand <cmd> Allow players to use the command while playing.
/boost blockcommand <cmd> Stop players using the command while playing.

Sign text setting

Boost signs are easy to create with the /boost setsign command. Face a sign and enter the command with appropriate options.

/boost setsign [signtype] [option/game]

The [signtype] and [option] parameter in the command must match one of the values under signs: in messages.yml.


Command Result
/boost setsign join Arena1 Set the sign text to a join sign for a game named Arena1.
/boost setsign leave Set the sign text to a sign to leave your current game (usually while queuing).
/boost setsign win Arena1 Set the sign text to a sign that players click to win a game named Arena1.
Optional for Race, Elimination_race or Parkour game types.
This is an alternative to setting a ceiling or a win-block.
/boost setsign status Set the sign text to a sign to show the status of all game arenas.
/boost setsign stats Set the sign text to a sign to show a player's game statistics.
/boost setsign stats Arena1 Set the sign text to a sign to show a player's game statistics for Arena1.
/boost setsign stats weekly Arena1 Set the sign text to a sign to show a player's weekly game statistics for Arena1.
/boost setsign top Set the sign text to an all-time leader board sign.
/boost setsign top daily Set the sign text to a daily leader board sign.
/boost setsign top weekly Set the sign text to a weekly leader board sign.
/boost setsign top monthly Arena2 Set the sign text to a monthly leader board sign for Arena2.
/boost setsign top Arena1 Set the sign text to an all-time leader board sign for Arena1.

Game-specific configuration

The following commands set the configuration for the game specified in the command, which is stored in config.yml.

Command Result
/boost creategame <game> Create a game configuration.
At this point the game is is not ready but its main configuration is created.
/boost deletegame <game> confirm Delete a game configuration.
Must end in 'confirm'.
/boost setdisplayname <game> <display name> Set a display name for the game.
Use & prefix for formats and colours.
/boost setgametype <game> <game type> Set the type of game play for the game.
The game type should be one of Elimination, Elimination_race, Race or Parkour.
/boost setground <game> [yPos] Set a losing ground level.
Uses your position if yPos is not supplied.
Set to -1 to disable.
Required for Elimination and Elimination_race game types.
Optional for Race and Parkour game types.
/boost setceiling <game> [yPos] Set a winning ceiling level.
Uses your position if yPos is not supplied.
Set to -1 to disable.
Required for Elimination_race, Race and Parkour game types.
Not used for Elimination game type.
This is an alternative to setting a win-block or placing a win-sign.
/boost setstart <game> <startNode> [world x y z] Set the named start spawn position.
Uses your position if world and coordinates are not supplied.
/boost deletestart <game> <startNode> Delete the named start spawn.
/boost setlobby <game> [world x y z] Set the lobby spawn position.
Uses your position if world and coordinates are not supplied.
/boost setloss <game> [world x y z] Set the spawn position on losing.
Uses your position if world and coordinates are not supplied.
/boost testtp <game> <lobby/loss> Test your configuration by teleporting yourself to the lobby or loss spawn of the named game.
/boost testtp <game> <start> <startNode> Test your configuration by teleporting yourself to the named start spawn.
/boost setspread <game> <startNode> <spread> Set the player spread at start at the named start spawn.
/boost setreturn <game> <on/off> Set that players teleport to the start position instead of losing when falling to ground.
Optional for Race and Parkour game types.
Not used for Elimination and Elimination_race game types.
/boost setwinblock <game> Set that players will win the named game if they click the type of block that you are holding.
Run the command while holding nothing to disable clicking a block to win.
Optional for Race, Elimination_race or Parkour game types.
This is an alternative to setting a ceiling or placing a win-sign.
/boost setboostblock <game> Set that players will get boosted when stepping on the type of block you are holding.
Run the command while holding nothing to disable.
/boost setguiitem <game> Set the item to show in the GUI to join the game to the item you are holding.
Sets the main item to open the GUI if you don't specify a game name.
/boost setminplayers <game> <min> Set the minimum player count required to start the game.
/boost setmaxplayers <game> <max> Set the maximum player count allowed in the game.
Set to 0 for no maximum number in the game.
/boost setcountdown <game> <time> Set the queuing countdown before the game starts in seconds.
/boost setannouncement <game> <time> Set the time period between announcements of the current countdown.
/boost autoqueue <game> <on/off> Turn automatic queuing ON or OFF for the game.
You should enable this once you have finished configuring this game and it's ready for players.
Parkour type games will start rather than queue.
/boost addwincommand <game> Add a command executed for the winner.
/boost removewincommand <game> <index> Remove the numbered win command.
/boost testwincommands <game> [player] Run the win commands as a test.
Runs on you if no player name is supplied.
/boost showwincommands <game> Show the array of commands executed for the winner.
/boost requirespermission <game> <true/false> Set true to require players to have the specific boost.join.<game name> permission to join this game.
Set false to allow any player with the general boost.join permission to join.
/boost showgameconfig <game> Show the game configuration values from the config file in the game chat.
/boost targetplayers <game> <on/off> Turn direct targeting of players ON or OFF for the game.
If turned OFF then you must click the blocks beneath an opponent, cannot hit players in mid-air and cannot hit through platforms.
If turned ON then you can directly hit players, even in mid-air and even through platforms.

Game management

Command Result
/boost queue <game> Start queuing the named game so players can join. This is used during design to begin a one-off game session.
During normal operation games are set to autoqueue, so this command is not required.
You can use this command if you want to actively control the game players can join for a live stream or similar.
/boost queue * Start all games queuing.
/boost start <game> Force-start the named game.
/boost end * Force-end all games.
/boost end <game> Force-end the named game.
/boost stop * Force-stop all games without re-queuing.
/boost stop <game> Force-stop the game, no re-queuing.
/boost cleargames End and unload all games. Needs a reload after this.

Player and statistics management

Command Result
/boost gamestats [Daily/Weekly/Monthly] Display game play statistics for each game arena.
Use this to assess game arena popularity.
/boost delstats * Delete all game stats for all players.
/boost delstats * <game> Delete all game stats for all players for the specified game arena.
/boost delstats <player> Delete game stats for player.
/boost delstats <player> <game> Delete game stats for player for the specified game arena.
/boost build [player] Enable building for player or self (to modify arenas).
/boost nobuild [player] Turn off building for player or self (to return to playing after building).

Parameters enclosed in < > are required. Parameters enclosed in [ ] are optional.