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ESM only and a rewrite from scratch

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@thetutlage thetutlage released this 03 Nov 16:31

Breaking changes

  • This release changes the styling for a lot of elements. Which directly is not a breaking change, but the output will look different from how it used to look earlier.

  • The CLI_UI_IS_TESTING environment variable is no longer entertained. Instead, you must instantiate the cliui function in raw mode when writing tests.

  • The tasks.verbose method has been removed. Instead use tasks({ verbose: true }).

  • The /api module has been removed. The main module is the only module you have to import now.

  • The actions class no longer accepts a message for succedded, failed and skipped method calls. The message is passed at the time of creating the action.

    // Earlier
    // Now
    logger.action('Creating config/auth.ts').succeeded()
  • Package main module now has only one default export. Earlier it was multiple named exports for all the UI elements.

    // Earlier
    import { logger, colors, table } from '@poppinss/cliui'
    // Now
    import cliui from '@poppinss/cliui'
    const { logger, colors, table } = cliui()
  • The logger methods now accepts an options object with suffix and prefix. Earlier they are passed as idependent arguments.

    // Earlier
    -'downloading packages', undefined, 'npm i')
    // Now
    +'downloading packages', { suffix: 'npm i' })
  • The logUpdateDone method has been replaced with logUpdatePersist

  • The renderer.logs property has been replaced with renderer.getLogs()

  • Types are exported from a submodule @poppinss/cliui/types.

  • The task.complete and task.failed methods have been removed. Either you can return a string value to mark the task as passed. Or return/throw an Error to mark it as failed.

Note: The library earlier was doing too many checks with supportsColor, testing, and isInteractive flags. Now they all have been removed. During testing you need to turn on the raw mode cliui({ raw: true }) and the support for colors is detected internally.

If you face any other breaking change not covered in this changelog, then please create an issue for the same.


  • fix: types errors 3085911
  • docs: update package description 7e45d7e
  • test: update assertion check to be more flexible fbe1214
  • refactor: update logger actions to consistently display action status as label 960a954
  • test: conver path to url when importing test files 3121e55
  • refactor: complete rewrite in ESM 81d53c6

Full Changelog: v3.0.5...v4.0.0-0