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area: api
area: api
Issues related to API category.
area: assistant
area: assistant
Issues related to Positron Assistant
area: assists
area: assists
Issues related to Assists
area: builds
area: builds
Issues related to Builds category.
area: code cells
area: code cells
Issues related to the Code Cells extension
area: completions
area: completions
Issues related to Completions
area: connections
area: connections
Issues related to Connections category.
area: console
area: console
Issues related to Console category.
area: core
area: core
Issues related to Core category.
area: data explorer
area: data explorer
Issues related to Data Explorer category.
area: debugger
area: debugger
Issues related to Debugging
area: diagnostics
area: diagnostics
Issues related to Diagnostics
area: duckdb
area: duckdb
Issues related to positron-duckdb
area: ecosystem
area: ecosystem
Issues related to libraries/packages in the dev ecosystem
area: editor
area: editor
Issues related to Editor category.
area: environment
area: environment
Issues related to Environment category.
area: formatting
area: formatting
Issues related to formatting and indentation
area: help
area: help
Issues related to Help category.
area: highlighting
area: highlighting
area: kallichore
area: kallichore
Issues related to the new kernel supervisor
area: kernels
area: kernels
Issues related to Jupyter kernels and LSP servers
area: layout
area: layout
Issues related to IDE Layout category.
area: license
area: license
Issues related to Licensing
area: notebooks
area: notebooks
Issues related to Notebooks category.
area: plots
area: plots
Issues related to Plots category.
area: project wizard
area: project wizard
Issues related to New Project Wizard category.
area: proxy
area: proxy
Issues related to Positron Proxy category.
area: qa infrastructure
area: qa infrastructure
area: quarto
area: quarto
Issues related to Quarto category.