- The user would be able to select and load an image: JPG, PNG, BMP etc.
- The user would be able to spray paint over an image using a mouse
- The user would be able to change the color and density of the paint
- The user can erase some or all of the spray paint using mouse
- The user will be able to save changes to a new image
- The application state will be persistent i.e., the user can close an unfinished project and reopen it to restore the previous state; the original file would be unaltered
- More features to be added soon...
As you see in the screenshot, there is a canvas on the right hand side and the various editing option on the right The editing options are
- Load an image file into the Canvas
- Clear the canvas
- Tools: Pointer (to move around the image), Spray (to spray paint on the image), Erase (to erase the sprayed paint)
- Spray Size: To adjust the extent of the spray
- Spray Color: To choose various colors for the spray
- Save project: To save the contents of the canvas
Download the BuiltApplication.zip, extract it to a folder. Open the folder and click on SprayPaintApp.exe
Prashanth Wagle
Computer Science Grad Student @ University of Viginia
Charlottesville, VA