Dijkstra’s Algorithm - Create a program that finds the shortest path through a graph using its edges.[prateekiiest(C)]
Fibonacci Sequence - Enter a number and have the program generate the Fibonacci sequence to that number or to the Nth number. [prateekiiest(C)]
Prime Factorization - Have the user enter a number and find all Prime Factors (if there are any) and display them.[prateekiiest(C)]
Find PI to the Nth Digit - Enter a number and have the program generate PI up to that many decimal places. Keep a limit to how far the program will go.[prateekiiest(C++)]
Complex Number Algebra - Show addition, multiplication, negation, and inversion of complex numbers in separate functions. (Subtraction and division operations can be made with pairs of these operations.) Print the results for each operation tested. [prateekiiest (C)]
Next Prime Number - Have the program find prime numbers until the user chooses to stop asking for the next one. [prateekiiest(C)]