Kickstart and manage your AWS Organization via Terraform via PrimeHarbor's opinionated version of Control Tower
Why? Control Tower sucks. It's a massive beast designed to support highly regulated companies with a cloud compliance framework that's more than what most companies need. Control Tower is hard to adjust, missing some key features, and lags behind AWS Best practices (it took a long time for Organization CloudTrail and GuardDuty Delegated Admin to be supported). You need a PhD in AWS Service Catalog to modify anything. It heavily leverages AWS Config, making it very expensive for small orgs.
Most orgs implement Control Tower because their AWS SA was told to tell them to, or because they needed some form of "account factory", and you can easily click a button to fully provision an account.
The Org Kickstart is intended to be a landing zone for the rest of us. Deployed in a brand new AWS account (after a few Artisanal steps are completed), it will deploy the good parts of ControlTower/Landing Zones with out all the expensive cruft.
org-kickstart is indented to support all the basic things needed to setup a properly governed and secure AWS organization from scratch. It will:
- Create a Security Account (required)
- Delegate access for GuardDuty, Macie, Inspector, Security Hub, SSO, and CloudFormation to the Security Account
- Configure GuardDuty, Macie, Inspector, Security Hub in every default region for all accounts.
- Create a CloudTrail bucket in the Security Account, and enable an Organizations CloudTrail in the Management (Payer) Account
- Set the alternate contacts for Billing, Operations, and Security for all AWS accounts.
- Create four default Organizational Units (OUs), along with any custom OUs defined in tfvars:
- Workloads (required)
- Governance (required)
- Sandbox (required)
- Suspended (required)
- Create a default AI Opt-out policy and apply it to the root OU (required)
- Manage the AWS Account and OU placement
- Create a CloudFormation Delegated Admin StackSet to deploy an Audit Role in all accounts that trusts the Security Account
- Create an S3 Bucket for Billing Reports and an Athena compatible CUR report on a customizable frequency
- Enable all the important Organization Integrated Services: (required)
- IAM Access Analyzer
- AWS Account Portal
- AWS Backup
- CloudTrail
- AWS Config
- Firewall Manager
- GuardDuty & GuardDuty Malware Protection
- Personal Health Dashboard
- AWS Inspector (v2)
- License Manager
- Macie (v2)
- CloudFormation StackSets
- Resource Access Manager
- Trusted Advisor
- Security Hub
- AWS IAM Identity Center (SSO)
- Manage Service Control Policies, Declarative Policies, and Resource Control Policies and allow templating of RCPs/SCPs/DPs
- Grant Admin Access to all accounts via AWS Identity Center
- Create a AdministratorAccess AWS Identity Center PermissionSet
- Create a Identity Center Group
- Assign the PermissionSet and Group to every account
While this is intended to be the "highly opinionated" solution "for the rest of us", many options are configurable or can be disabled. Only the items above marked "required" cannot be disabled.
Terraform sucks at allowing you to make calls across AWS regions. Org-Kickstart has pre-defined providers for all the default (non-opt-in) regions for both the payer and security account to be able to enable regional security services.
You will need to create the new AWS account and enable SSO by hand prior to using org-kickstart. See the BOOTSTRAP documentation for what you need to do when deploying into a brand new AWS Account
See the examples/pipeline directory for a sample private repo that leverages this module.
Sample tfvars file:
organization = {
organization_name = "org-kickstart"
payer_name = "Example Test Payer"
payer_email = "[email protected]"
security_account_name = "example-kickstart-security"
security_account_root_email = "[email protected]"
cloudtrail_bucket_name = "example-kickstart-cloudtrail"
cloudtrail_loggroup_name = "CloudTrail/DefaultLogGroup"
billing_data_bucket_name = "example-kickstart-cur"
cur_report_frequency = "DAILY" # Valid options: DAILY, HOURLY, MONTHLY
session_duration = "PT8H"
admin_permission_set_name = "AdministratorAccess"
admin_group_name = "AllAdmins"
disable_sso_management = false
deploy_audit_role = true
audit_role_name = "security-audit"
audit_role_stack_set_template_url = ""
declarative_policy_bucket_name = "account-status-report-bucket-example"
vpc_flowlogs_bucket_name = "example-kickstart-flowlogs"
macie_bucket_name = "example-kickstart-macie-findings"
organization_units = {
"MemeFactories" = {
name = "MemeFactories"
is_child_of_root = true
"CoreIT" = {
name = "CoreIT"
is_child_of_root = true
accounts = {
dev = {
account_name = "example-kickstart-dev"
account_email = "[email protected]"
it = {
account_name = "example-kickstart-it"
account_email = "[email protected]"
sandbox = {
account_name = "example-kickstart-sandbox"
account_email = "[email protected]"
parent_ou_id = "ou-yyyy-yyyyyyyy"
# You can override the Primary Contact / Account Owner
primary_contact = {
full_name = "Chris Farris"
company_name = "Fooli Media Services, LLC"
address_line_1 = "1234 Main Street"
address_line_2 = "Suite 101"
city = "Atlanta"
state_or_region = "GA"
postal_code = "30332"
country_code = "US"
email_address = "[email protected]"
phone_number = "+14041234567"
website_url = ""
global_billing_contact = {
name = "Chris Farris"
title = "CFO"
email_address = "[email protected]"
phone_number = "+14041234567"
global_security_contact = {
name = "Chris Farris"
title = "Global CISO"
email_address = "[email protected]"
phone_number = "+14041234567"
global_primary_contact = {
full_name = "required"
company_name = "Optional"
address_line_1 = "Required"
# address_line_2 = "Optional"
# address_line_3 = "Optional"
city = "Required"
state_or_region = "GA"
# district_or_county = "Optional"
postal_code = "Required"
country_code = "US"
email_address = "Required"
phone_number = "+1-Required"
# website_url = "Optional"
service_control_policies = {
deny_root = {
policy_name = "DenyRoot"
policy_description = "Denies use of root user"
policy_json_file = "policies/DenyRootSCP.json"
suspended_ou = {
policy_name = "SuspendedAccounts"
policy_description = "Denies all activity in accounts in the SuspendedOU"
policy_json_file = "policies/SuspendedAccountsPolicy.json.tftpl"
policy_targets = ["ou-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"]
policy_vars = {
audit_role_name = "security-audit"
security_controls = {
policy_name = "DefaultSecurityControls"
policy_description = "Base Security Controls for all accounts"
policy_json_file = "policies/SecurityControlsSCP.json.tftpl"
policy_vars = {
audit_role_name = "security-audit"
workload_deny_regions = {
policy_name = "DenyRegions"
policy_description = "Deny access to unapproved default regions"
policy_json_file = "policies/DisableRegionsPolicy.json.tftpl"
policy_targets = [
"ou-xxxx-xxxxxxxx", # Workloads
"ou-yyyy-yyyyyyyy" # Sandbox
policy_vars = {
allowed_regions = ["us-east-1", "eu-west-1"]
audit_role_name = "security-audit"
workload_deny_instancetypes = {
policy_name = "DenyInstanceTypes"
policy_description = "Deny access to unapproved Instance Types"
policy_json_file = "policies/DenyUnapprovedInstanceTypes.json"
policy_targets = [
"ou-xxxx-xxxxxxxx", # Workloads
"ou-yyyy-yyyyyyyy" # Sandbox
workload_deny_services = {
policy_name = "DenyServices"
policy_description = "Deny access to unapproved Services"
policy_json_file = "policies/DenyUnapprovedServices.json"
policy_targets = [
"ou-xxxx-xxxxxxxx", # Workloads
"ou-yyyy-yyyyyyyy" # Sandbox
resource_control_policies = {
s3_data_perimeter = {
policy_name = "S3DataPerimeter"
policy_description = "Restricts S3 to Principals inside the Org"
policy_json_file = "policies/RCP_S3DataPerimeter.json.tftpl"
policy_vars = {
org_id = "o-yyyyyy" # This needs to be hardcoded for reasons
declarative_policies = {
deny_public_ami = {
policy_name = "Block_Public_AMIs"
policy_description = "Deny the public sharing of all AMIs"
policy_type = "DECLARATIVE_POLICY_EC2"
policy_json_file = "policies/EC2ImageBPA_DCP.json"
policy_targets = ["Workloads", "Governance", "Suspended", "CoreIT"]
deny_public_snapshot = {
policy_name = "Block_Public_Snapshots"
policy_description = "Deny the public sharing of all EBS Snapshots"
policy_json_file = "policies/EC2SnapshotBPA_DCP.json"
policy_type = "DECLARATIVE_POLICY_EC2"
policy_targets = ["Workloads", "Governance", "Suspended", "CoreIT"]
enable_imdsv2 = {
policy_name = "Enforce_IMDSv2"
policy_description = "Enforce the usage of IMSv2 - Require Tokens, and set a hop limit of 2"
policy_json_file = "policies/EC2IMDSv2Enforce_DCP.json"
policy_type = "DECLARATIVE_POLICY_EC2"
policy_targets = ["Workloads", "Governance", "Suspended", "CoreIT"]
security_services = {
disable_guardduty = false
disable_securityhub = true
disable_macie = true
account_configurator = {
template = "SEE README"
account_factory_config_file = "account-config.yaml"
billing_alerts = {
levels = {
level1 = 10
level2 = 20
oh_shit = 100
subscriptions = [
backend_bucket = "org-kickstart-example"
tfbackend file:
This can be used with an existing org. See IMPORTING for more on how to do that. There are a number of things that can be disabled if you're doing something more complex than org-kickstart will handle.
- Disable CloudTrail management by setting
cloudtrail_bucket_name = null
- Disable AWS SSO with
disable_sso_management = true
- Disable managing the Audit Role Stackset with
deploy_audit_role = false
- Alternate contacts can be disabled by not including a configuration block in the tfvars file.
- Got the GuardDuty per-region stuff working for payer/security account. Now do the other services.
MacieSecurity Hub- Inspector
- Access Analyzer
Integrate the StackBilling Alarms are critical.Global Operational Contact.Global Account Contact.Setup arbitrary OUs, beyond the basic AWS recommended ones.- revisit the SCPs in my pet-ControlTower for other best practices to steal.
- Figure out if AWS Config Recorder/etc support should be an optional part of this
Account Import Script- Make it work with GitOps & Code Pipeline
- Publish to Terraform Registry
- More AWS Identity Center customization. <- this will go in a different repo
- Optional DataTrails & integrate the advanced-event-selectors work I need to do.
- Org Wide Access Analyzer and reports on public stuff
- SCPs;
- MarketPlace locked to procurement
- VPCs locked to NetEng
- Enable optional GuardDuty Services