ARMClient is a simple command line tool to invoke the Azure Resource Manager API.
You can install it from:
choco install armclient --source=
scoop install armclient
The Releases page (old-school download/extract)
This blog post introduces the tool and is a good place to start.
Check out wiki for more details.
Login and get tokens
ARMClient.exe login [environment name]
Login with Azure CLI 2.0 (az --
ARMClient.exe azlogin
Call ARM api
ARMClient.exe [get|post|put|patch|delete] [url] (<@file|content>) (-h "header: value") (-verbose)
Use '-h' multiple times to add more than one custom HTTP header.
Copy token to clipboard
ARMClient.exe token [tenant|subscription]
List token cache
ARMClient.exe listcache
Clear token cache
ARMClient.exe clearcache
Note: Valid values for optional [environment name]
: (Default) Prod
for Azure Global, Fairfax
for Azure Government, Blackforest
for Azure Germany, Mooncake
for Azure China.
Note: The tokens are cached at %USERPROFILE%\.arm
folder. All files are encrypted with CurrentUser ProtectData .NET api.
Note: PowerShell users will need to escape the @
symbol with a back tick `