This repository contains a library to retrieve annotations and list of books from your Kindle library.
Disclaimer: It uses the Whispersync API to do so and using it is likely a violation of your TOS conditions. The code is available here only for education purposes.
A blog post explains in more details the process behind this.
The repository contains:
whispersync-client: A node js library that can register a device on your Kindle account and use this device to retrieve the content.
content-server: Uses the whispersync client to display a server to explore your content. The content is retrieve from your Amazon and cached on disk.
git clone git://
cd whispersync-lib
npm install
can be used through the CLI.
npm run cli fetch books > books.json
npm run cli fetch sidecar <ASIN> # fetch annotations
It can also be used directly through an HTTP server.
npm run server
:warn: If your password contains stars, it is possible that login will not work, I have not investigated yet, but you can try to change password to see if it works. Please comment in #1 if it solves your problem.
If you put data manually on your Kindle, for example epubs that do not come from Amazon, or PDFs, annotations are not saved on Amazon and thus will not be retrieved through whispersync-lib. You can find your annotations in the "MyClippings.txt" file that is stored locally in your Kindle.