This is a full stack Travel website created with Ruby on Rails by Logan Medina, Brett Monzel, Anton Pugach, and Daniel Thompson.
These instructions will get the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Bundle install.
bundle install
Create a local database.
rails db:create
Migrate models.
rails db:migrate
Get a Cloudinary api key.
Run rails server.
rails s
-HTML -CSS -Ruby v. 2.3.3 -Rails v. 5.0.2 -Javascript -Materialize -Cloudinary -Jquery -devise
-This application allows users to create a membership, sign in and out, view articles written about travel destination, and add/edit their own articles. -Members can view their profile page with user info, their home city, and articles they have written. -The home page displays a featured location, and a selection of articles about it. -A cities page displays all cities with articles written about them.
*Planned features: -Incorporate google maps api for mapping locations -search for articles -Enable comments -Enable sharing on social media -Enable submission of photos with article -Enable friending other users.