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Releases: pytest-dev/pytest


09 Mar 11:51
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pytest 8.1.1 (2024-03-08)

::: {.note}
::: {.title}

This release is not a usual bug fix release -- it contains features and improvements, being a follow up
to 8.1.0, which has been yanked from PyPI.


  • #11475: Added the new consider_namespace_packages{.interpreted-text role="confval"} configuration option, defaulting to False.

    If set to True, pytest will attempt to identify modules that are part of namespace packages when importing modules.

  • #11653: Added the new verbosity_test_cases{.interpreted-text role="confval"} configuration option for fine-grained control of test execution verbosity.
    See Fine-grained verbosity <pytest.fine_grained_verbosity>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more details.


  • #10865: pytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} now validates that warnings.warn{.interpreted-text role="func"} was called with a [str]{.title-ref} or a [Warning]{.title-ref}.
    Currently in Python it is possible to use other types, however this causes an exception when warnings.filterwarnings{.interpreted-text role="func"} is used to filter those warnings (see CPython #103577 for a discussion).
    While this can be considered a bug in CPython, we decided to put guards in pytest as the error message produced without this check in place is confusing.

  • #11311: When using --override-ini for paths in invocations without a configuration file defined, the current working directory is used
    as the relative directory.

    Previoulsy this would raise an AssertionError{.interpreted-text role="class"}.

  • #11475: --import-mode=importlib <import-mode-importlib>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} now tries to import modules using the standard import mechanism (but still without changing :pysys.path{.interpreted-text role="data"}), falling back to importing modules directly only if that fails.

    This means that installed packages will be imported under their canonical name if possible first, for example app.core.models, instead of having the module name always be derived from their path (for example

  • #11801: Added the iter_parents() <_pytest.nodes.Node.iter_parents>{.interpreted-text role="func"} helper method on nodes.
    It is similar to listchain <_pytest.nodes.Node.listchain>{.interpreted-text role="func"}, but goes from bottom to top, and returns an iterator, not a list.

  • #11850: Added support for sys.last_exc{.interpreted-text role="data"} for post-mortem debugging on Python>=3.12.

  • #11962: In case no other suitable candidates for configuration file are found, a pyproject.toml (even without a [tool.pytest.ini_options] table) will be considered as the configuration file and define the rootdir.

  • #11978: Add --log-file-mode option to the logging plugin, enabling appending to log-files. This option accepts either "w" or "a" and defaults to "w".

    Previously, the mode was hard-coded to be "w" which truncates the file before logging.

  • #12047: When multiple finalizers of a fixture raise an exception, now all exceptions are reported as an exception group.
    Previously, only the first exception was reported.

Bug Fixes

  • #11475: Fixed regression where --importmode=importlib would import non-test modules more than once.

  • #11904: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0.0 that would cause test collection to fail due to permission errors when using --pyargs.

    This change improves the collection tree for tests specified using --pyargs, see 12043{.interpreted-text role="pull"} for a comparison with pytest 8.0 and <8.

  • #12011: Fixed a regression in 8.0.1 whereby setup_module xunit-style fixtures are not executed when --doctest-modules is passed.

  • #12014: Fix the stacklevel used when warning about marks used on fixtures.

  • #12039: Fixed a regression in 8.0.2 where tests created using tmp_path{.interpreted-text role="fixture"} have been collected multiple times in CI under Windows.

Improved Documentation

  • #11790: Documented the retention of temporary directories created using the tmp_path fixture in more detail.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #11785: Some changes were made to private functions which may affect plugins which access them:

    • FixtureManager._getautousenames() now takes a Node itself instead of the nodeid.
    • FixtureManager.getfixturedefs() now takes the Node itself instead of the nodeid.
    • The _pytest.nodes.iterparentnodeids() function is removed without replacement.
      Prefer to traverse the node hierarchy itself instead.
      If you really need to, copy the function from the previous pytest release.
  • #12069: Delayed the deprecation of the following features to 9.0.0:

    • node-ctor-fspath-deprecation{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.
    • legacy-path-hooks-deprecated{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.

    It was discovered after 8.1.0 was released that the warnings about the impeding removal were not being displayed, so the team decided to revert the removal.

    This is the reason for 8.1.0 being yanked.

pytest 8.1.0 (YANKED)

::: {.note}
::: {.title}

This release has been yanked: it broke some plugins without the proper warning period, due to
some warnings not showing up as expected.

See #12069.


03 Mar 21:24
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8.1.0 Pre-release

pytest 8.1.0 (YANKED)


This release has been yanked: it broke some plugins without the proper warning period, due to some warnings not showing up as expected. See #12069.


  • #11475: Added the new consider_namespace_packages{.interpreted-text role="confval"} configuration option, defaulting to False.

    If set to True, pytest will attempt to identify modules that are part of namespace packages when importing modules.

  • #11653: Added the new verbosity_test_cases{.interpreted-text role="confval"} configuration option for fine-grained control of test execution verbosity.
    See Fine-grained verbosity <pytest.fine_grained_verbosity>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more details.


  • #10865: pytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} now validates that warnings.warn{.interpreted-text role="func"} was called with a [str]{.title-ref} or a [Warning]{.title-ref}.
    Currently in Python it is possible to use other types, however this causes an exception when warnings.filterwarnings{.interpreted-text role="func"} is used to filter those warnings (see CPython #103577 for a discussion).
    While this can be considered a bug in CPython, we decided to put guards in pytest as the error message produced without this check in place is confusing.

  • #11311: When using --override-ini for paths in invocations without a configuration file defined, the current working directory is used
    as the relative directory.

    Previoulsy this would raise an AssertionError{.interpreted-text role="class"}.

  • #11475: --import-mode=importlib <import-mode-importlib>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} now tries to import modules using the standard import mechanism (but still without changing :pysys.path{.interpreted-text role="data"}), falling back to importing modules directly only if that fails.

    This means that installed packages will be imported under their canonical name if possible first, for example app.core.models, instead of having the module name always be derived from their path (for example

  • #11801: Added the iter_parents() <_pytest.nodes.Node.iter_parents>{.interpreted-text role="func"} helper method on nodes.
    It is similar to listchain <_pytest.nodes.Node.listchain>{.interpreted-text role="func"}, but goes from bottom to top, and returns an iterator, not a list.

  • #11850: Added support for sys.last_exc{.interpreted-text role="data"} for post-mortem debugging on Python>=3.12.

  • #11962: In case no other suitable candidates for configuration file are found, a pyproject.toml (even without a [tool.pytest.ini_options] table) will be considered as the configuration file and define the rootdir.

  • #11978: Add --log-file-mode option to the logging plugin, enabling appending to log-files. This option accepts either "w" or "a" and defaults to "w".

    Previously, the mode was hard-coded to be "w" which truncates the file before logging.

  • #12047: When multiple finalizers of a fixture raise an exception, now all exceptions are reported as an exception group.
    Previously, only the first exception was reported.

Bug Fixes

  • #11904: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0.0 that would cause test collection to fail due to permission errors when using --pyargs.

    This change improves the collection tree for tests specified using --pyargs, see 12043{.interpreted-text role="pull"} for a comparison with pytest 8.0 and <8.

  • #12011: Fixed a regression in 8.0.1 whereby setup_module xunit-style fixtures are not executed when --doctest-modules is passed.

  • #12014: Fix the stacklevel used when warning about marks used on fixtures.

  • #12039: Fixed a regression in 8.0.2 where tests created using tmp_path{.interpreted-text role="fixture"} have been collected multiple times in CI under Windows.

Improved Documentation

  • #11790: Documented the retention of temporary directories created using the tmp_path fixture in more detail.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #11785: Some changes were made to private functions which may affect plugins which access them:
    • FixtureManager._getautousenames() now takes a Node itself instead of the nodeid.
    • FixtureManager.getfixturedefs() now takes the Node itself instead of the nodeid.
    • The _pytest.nodes.iterparentnodeids() function is removed without replacement.
      Prefer to traverse the node hierarchy itself instead.
      If you really need to, copy the function from the previous pytest release.


24 Feb 22:22
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pytest 8.0.2 (2024-02-24)

Bug Fixes

  • #11895: Fix collection on Windows where initial paths contain the short version of a path (for example c:\PROGRA~1\tests).
  • #11953: Fix an IndexError crash raising from getstatementrange_ast.
  • #12021: Reverted a fix to [--maxfail]{.title-ref} handling in pytest 8.0.0 because it caused a regression in pytest-xdist whereby session fixture teardowns may get executed multiple times when the max-fails is reached.


16 Feb 22:09
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pytest 8.0.1 (2024-02-16)

Bug Fixes

  • #11875: Correctly handle errors from getpass.getuser{.interpreted-text role="func"} in Python 3.13.
  • #11879: Fix an edge case where ExceptionInfo._stringify_exception could crash pytest.raises{.interpreted-text role="func"}.
  • #11906: Fix regression with pytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} using custom warning subclasses which have more than one parameter in their [__init__]{.title-ref}.
  • #11907: Fix a regression in pytest 8.0.0 whereby calling pytest.skip{.interpreted-text role="func"} and similar control-flow exceptions within a pytest.warns(){.interpreted-text role="func"} block would get suppressed instead of propagating.
  • #11929: Fix a regression in pytest 8.0.0 whereby autouse fixtures defined in a module get ignored by the doctests in the module.
  • #11937: Fix a regression in pytest 8.0.0 whereby items would be collected in reverse order in some circumstances.

pytest 8.0.0 (2024-01-27)

27 Jan 21:58
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See 8.0.0rc1 and 8.0.0rc2 for the full changes since pytest 7.4!

Bug Fixes

  • #11842: Properly escape the reason of a skip <pytest.mark.skip ref>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} mark when writing JUnit XML files.
  • #11861: Avoid microsecond exceeds 1_000_000 when using log-date-format with %f specifier, which might cause the test suite to crash.


17 Jan 21:41
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8.0.0rc2 Pre-release

pytest 8.0.0rc2 (2024-01-17)


  • #11233: Improvements to -r for xfailures and xpasses:
    • Report tracebacks for xfailures when -rx is set.
    • Report captured output for xpasses when -rX is set.
    • For xpasses, add - in summary between test name and reason, to match how xfail is displayed.
  • #11825: The pytest_plugin_registered{.interpreted-text role="hook"} hook has a new plugin_name parameter containing the name by which plugin is registered.

Bug Fixes

  • #11706: Fix reporting of teardown errors in higher-scoped fixtures when using [--maxfail]{.title-ref} or [--stepwise]{.title-ref}.

  • #11758: Fixed IndexError: string index out of range crash in if highlighted[-1] == "\n" and source[-1] != "\n".
    This bug was introduced in pytest 8.0.0rc1.

  • #9765, #11816: Fixed a frustrating bug that afflicted some users with the only error being assert mod not in mods. The issue was caused by the fact that str(Path(mod)) and mod.__file__ don't necessarily produce the same string, and was being erroneously used interchangably in some places in the code.

    This fix also broke the internal API of PytestPluginManager.consider_conftest by introducing a new parameter -- we mention this in case it is being used by external code, even if marked as private.

pytest 8.0.0rc1 (2023-12-30)

02 Jan 08:56
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See for the rendered changelog.

Breaking Changes

Old Deprecations Are Now Errors

  • #7363: PytestRemovedIn8Warning deprecation warnings are now errors by default.

    Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as possible, all warnings of type PytestRemovedIn8Warning now generate errors instead of warning messages by default.

    The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 8.1, so please consult the deprecations{.interpreted-text role="ref"} section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code.

    In the pytest 8.0.X series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a stopgap measure by adding this to your pytest.ini file:

    filterwarnings =

    But this will stop working when pytest 8.1 is released.

    If you have concerns about the removal of a specific feature, please add a comment to 7363{.interpreted-text role="issue"}.

Version Compatibility

Collection Changes

In this version we've made several breaking changes to pytest's collection phase, particularly around how filesystem directories and Python packages are collected, fixing deficiencies and allowing for cleanups and improvements to pytest's internals. A deprecation period for these changes was not possible.

  • #7777: Files and directories are now collected in alphabetical order jointly, unless changed by a plugin.
    Previously, files were collected before directories.
    See below for an example.

  • #8976: Running [pytest pkg/]{.title-ref} now collects the [pkg/]{.title-ref} file (module) only.
    Previously, it collected the entire [pkg]{.title-ref} package, including other test files in the directory, but excluding tests in the []{.title-ref} file itself
    (unless python_files{.interpreted-text role="confval"} was changed to allow []{.title-ref} file).

    To collect the entire package, specify just the directory: [pytest pkg]{.title-ref}.

  • #11137: pytest.Package{.interpreted-text role="class"} is no longer a pytest.Module{.interpreted-text role="class"} or pytest.File{.interpreted-text role="class"}.

    The Package collector node designates a Python package, that is, a directory with an []{.title-ref} file.
    Previously Package was a subtype of pytest.Module (which represents a single Python module), the module being the []{.title-ref} file.
    This has been deemed a design mistake (see 11137{.interpreted-text role="issue"} and 7777{.interpreted-text role="issue"} for details).

    The path property of Package nodes now points to the package directory instead of the file.

    Note that a Module node for (which is not a Package) may still exist, if it is picked up during collection (e.g. if you configured python_files{.interpreted-text role="confval"} to include files).

  • #7777: Added a new pytest.Directory{.interpreted-text role="class"} base collection node, which all collector nodes for filesystem directories are expected to subclass.
    This is analogous to the existing pytest.File{.interpreted-text role="class"} for file nodes.

    Changed pytest.Package{.interpreted-text role="class"} to be a subclass of pytest.Directory{.interpreted-text role="class"}.
    A Package represents a filesystem directory which is a Python package,
    i.e. contains an file.

    pytest.Package{.interpreted-text role="class"} now only collects files in its own directory; previously it collected recursively.
    Sub-directories are collected as their own collector nodes, which then collect themselves, thus creating a collection tree which mirrors the filesystem hierarchy.

    Added a new pytest.Dir{.interpreted-text role="class"} concrete collection node, a subclass of pytest.Directory{.interpreted-text role="class"}.
    This node represents a filesystem directory, which is not a pytest.Package{.interpreted-text role="class"}, that is, does not contain an file. Similarly to Package, it only collects the files in its own directory.

    pytest.Session{.interpreted-text role="class"} now only collects the initial arguments, without recursing into directories.
    This work is now done by the recursive expansion process <pytest.Collector.collect>{.interpreted-text role="func"} of directory collector nodes. <>{.interpreted-text role="attr"} is now ""; previously it was the rootdir directory name.
    This matches session.nodeid <_pytest.nodes.Node.nodeid>{.interpreted-text role="attr"} which has always been [""]{.title-ref}.

    The collection tree now contains directories/packages up to the rootdir <rootdir>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}, for initial arguments that are found within the rootdir.
    For files outside the rootdir, only the immediate directory/package is collected --note however that collecting from outside the rootdir is discouraged.

    As an example, given the following filesystem tree:

        ├── aaa
        │   └──
        ├── test_b
        │   ├──
        │   └──
        └── zzz

    the collection tree, as shown by [pytest --collect-only top/]{.title-ref} but with the otherwise-hidden ~pytest.Session{.interpreted-text role="class"} node added for clarity, is now the following:

      <Dir myroot>
        <Dir top>
          <Dir aaa>
              <Function test_it>
            <Function test_it>
          <Package test_b>
              <Function test_it>
            <Function test_it>
          <Package zzz>
              <Function test_it>

    Previously, it was:

      <Module top/>
        <Function test_it>
      <Module top/>
        <Function test_it>
      <Module top/aaa/>
        <Function test_it>
      <Package test_b>
          <Function test_it>
      <Package zzz>
          <Function test_it>

    Code/plugins which rely on a specific shape of the collection tree might need to update.

  • #11676: The classes ~_pytest.nodes.Node{.interpreted-text role="class"}, ~pytest.Collector{.interpreted-text role="class"}, ~pytest.Item{.interpreted-text role="class"}, ~pytest.File{.interpreted-text role="class"}, ~_pytest.nodes.FSCollector{.interpreted-text role="class"} are now marked abstract (see abc{.interpreted-text role="mod"}).

    We do not expect this change to affect users and plugin authors, it will only cause errors when the code is already wrong or problematic.

Other breaking changes

These are breaking changes where deprecation was not possible.

  • #11282: Sanitized the handling of the default parameter when defining configuration options.

    Previously if default was not supplied for parser.addini <pytest.Parser.addini>{.interpreted-text role="meth"} and the configuration option value was not defined in a test session, then calls to config.getini <pytest.Config.getini>{.interpreted-text role="func"} returned an empty list or an empty string depending on whether type was supplied or not respectively, which is clearly incorrect. Also, None was not honored even if default=None was used explicitly while defining the option.

    Now the behavior of parser.addini <pytest.Parser.addini>{.interpreted-text role="meth"} is as follows:

    • If default is NOT passed but type is provided, then a type-specific default will be returned. For example type=bool will return False, type=str will return "", etc.
    • If default=None is passed and the option is not defined in a test session, then None will be returned, regardless of the type.
    • If neither default nor type are provided, assume type=str and return "" as default (this is as per previous behavior).

    The team decided to not introduce a deprecation period for this change, as doing so would be complicated both in terms of communicating this to the community as well as implementing it, and also because the team believes this change should not break existing plugins except in rare cases.

  • #11667: pytest's file is removed.
    If you relied on this file, e.g. to install pytest using install, please see Why you shouldn't invoke directly for alte...

Read more

pytest 7.4.4 (2023-12-31)

31 Dec 12:09
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Bug Fixes

  • #11140: Fix non-string constants at the top of file being detected as docstrings on Python>=3.8.
  • #11572: Handle an edge case where sys.stderr{.interpreted-text role="data"} and sys.__stderr__{.interpreted-text role="data"} might already be closed when faulthandler{.interpreted-text role="ref"} is tearing down.
  • #11710: Fixed tracebacks from collection errors not getting pruned.
  • #7966: Removed unhelpful error message from assertion rewrite mechanism when exceptions are raised in __iter__ methods. Now they are treated un-iterable instead.

Improved Documentation

  • #11091: Updated documentation to refer to hyphenated options: replaced --junitxml with --junit-xml and --collectonly with --collect-only.

pytest 7.4.3 (2023-10-24)

24 Oct 19:37
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Bug Fixes

  • #10447: Markers are now considered in the reverse mro order to ensure base class markers are considered first -- this resolves a regression.

  • #11239: Fixed := in asserts impacting unrelated test cases.

  • #11439: Handled an edge case where :data:sys.stderr might already be closed when :ref:faulthandler is tearing down.

pytest 7.4.2 (2023-09-07)

07 Sep 18:56
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Bug Fixes

  • #11237: Fix doctest collection of functools.cached_property objects.

  • #11306: Fixed bug using --importmode=importlib which would cause package files to be imported more than once in some cases.

  • #11367: Fixed bug where user_properties where not being saved in the JUnit XML file if a fixture failed during teardown.

  • #11394: Fixed crash when parsing long command line arguments that might be interpreted as files.

Improved Documentation

  • #11391: Improved disclaimer on pytest plugin reference page to better indicate this is an automated, non-curated listing.