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Releases: pytest-dev/pytest


17 Mar 21:15
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pytest 7.1.1 (2022-03-17)

Bug Fixes

  • #9767: Fixed a regression in pytest 7.1.0 where some files outside of the source tree (e.g. in the [site-packages]{.title-ref} directory) were not picked up.


13 Mar 14:54
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pytest 7.1.0 (2022-03-13)

Breaking Changes

  • #8838: As per our policy, the following features have been deprecated in the 6.X series and are now

    • pytest._fillfuncargs function.
    • pytest_warning_captured hook - use pytest_warning_recorded instead.
    • -k -foobar syntax - use -k 'not foobar' instead.
    • -k foobar: syntax.
    • pytest.collect module - import from pytest directly.

    For more information consult
    Deprecations and Removals in the docs.

  • #9437: Dropped support for Python 3.6, which reached end-of-life at 2021-12-23.


  • #5192: Fixed test output for some data types where -v would show less information.

    Also, when showing diffs for sequences, -q would produce full diffs instead of the expected diff.

  • #9362: pytest now avoids specialized assert formatting when it is detected that the default __eq__ is overridden in attrs or dataclasses.

  • #9536: When -vv is given on command line, show skipping and xfail reasons in full instead of truncating them to fit the terminal width.

  • #9644: More information about the location of resources that led Python to raise ResourceWarning{.interpreted-text role="class"} can now
    be obtained by enabling tracemalloc{.interpreted-text role="mod"}.

    See resource-warnings{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more information.

  • #9678: More types are now accepted in the ids argument to @pytest.mark.parametrize.
    Previously only [str]{.title-ref}, [float]{.title-ref}, [int]{.title-ref} and [bool]{.title-ref} were accepted;
    now [bytes]{.title-ref}, [complex]{.title-ref}, [re.Pattern]{.title-ref}, [Enum]{.title-ref} and anything with a [__name__]{.title-ref} are also accepted.

  • #9692: pytest.approx{.interpreted-text role="func"} now raises a TypeError{.interpreted-text role="class"} when given an unordered sequence (such as set{.interpreted-text role="class"}).

    Note that this implies that custom classes which only implement __iter__ and __len__ are no longer supported as they don't guarantee order.

Bug Fixes

  • #8242: The deprecation of raising unittest.SkipTest{.interpreted-text role="class"} to skip collection of
    tests during the pytest collection phase is reverted - this is now a supported
    feature again.

  • #9493: Symbolic link components are no longer resolved in conftest paths.
    This means that if a conftest appears twice in collection tree, using symlinks, it will be executed twice.
    For example, given

    tests/link -> tests/real

    running pytest tests now imports the conftest twice, once as tests/real/ and once as tests/link/
    This is a fix to match a similar change made to test collection itself in pytest 6.0 (see 6523{.interpreted-text role="pull"} for details).

  • #9626: Fixed count of selected tests on terminal collection summary when there were errors or skipped modules.

    If there were errors or skipped modules on collection, pytest would mistakenly subtract those from the selected count.

  • #9645: Fixed regression where --import-mode=importlib used together with PYTHONPATH{.interpreted-text role="envvar"} or pythonpath{.interpreted-text role="confval"} would cause import errors in test suites.

  • #9708: pytester{.interpreted-text role="fixture"} now requests a monkeypatch{.interpreted-text role="fixture"} fixture instead of creating one internally. This solves some issues with tests that involve pytest environment variables.

  • #9730: Malformed pyproject.toml files now produce a clearer error message.


11 Feb 18:49
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pytest 7.0.1 (2022-02-11)

Bug Fixes

  • #9608: Fix invalid importing of importlib.readers in Python 3.9.
  • #9610: Restore [UnitTestFunction.obj]{.title-ref} to return unbound rather than bound method.
    Fixes a crash during a failed teardown in unittest TestCases with non-default [__init__]{.title-ref}.
    Regressed in pytest 7.0.0.
  • #9636: The pythonpath plugin was renamed to python_path. This avoids a conflict with the pytest-pythonpath plugin.
  • #9642: Fix running tests by id with :: in the parametrize portion.
  • #9643: Delay issuing a ~pytest.PytestWarning{.interpreted-text role="class"} about diamond inheritance involving ~pytest.Item{.interpreted-text role="class"} and
    ~pytest.Collector{.interpreted-text role="class"} so it can be filtered using standard warning filters <warnings>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.


04 Feb 10:21
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pytest 7.0.0 (2022-02-03)

(Please see the full set of changes for this release also in the 7.0.0rc1 notes below)


  • #9488: If custom subclasses of nodes like pytest.Item{.interpreted-text role="class"} override the
    __init__ method, they should take **kwargs. See
    uncooperative-constructors-deprecated{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for details.

    Note that a deprection warning is only emitted when there is a conflict in the
    arguments pytest expected to pass. This deprecation was already part of pytest
    7.0.0rc1 but wasn't documented.

Bug Fixes

  • #9355: Fixed error message prints function decorators when using assert in Python 3.8 and above.
  • #9396: Ensure pytest.Config.inifile{.interpreted-text role="attr"} is available during the pytest_cmdline_main <_pytest.hookspec.pytest_cmdline_main>{.interpreted-text role="func"} hook (regression during 7.0.0rc1).

Improved Documentation

  • #9404: Added extra documentation on alternatives to common misuses of [pytest.warns(None)]{.title-ref} ahead of its deprecation.
  • #9505: Clarify where the configuration files are located. To avoid confusions documentation mentions
    that configuration file is located in the root of the repository.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #9521: Add test coverage to assertion rewrite path.

pytest 7.0.0rc1 (2021-12-06)

Breaking Changes

  • #7259: The Node.reportinfo() <non-python tests>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} function first return value type has been expanded from [py.path.local | str]{.title-ref} to [os.PathLike[str] | str]{.title-ref}.

    Most plugins which refer to [reportinfo()]{.title-ref} only define it as part of a custom pytest.Item{.interpreted-text role="class"} implementation.
    Since [py.path.local]{.title-ref} is a [os.PathLike[str]]{.title-ref}, these plugins are unaffacted.

    Plugins and users which call [reportinfo()]{.title-ref}, use the first return value and interact with it as a [py.path.local]{.title-ref}, would need to adjust by calling [py.path.local(fspath)]{.title-ref}.
    Although preferably, avoid the legacy [py.path.local]{.title-ref} and use [pathlib.Path]{.title-ref}, or use [item.location]{.title-ref} or [item.path]{.title-ref}, instead.

    Note: pytest was not able to provide a deprecation period for this change.

  • #8246: --version now writes version information to stdout rather than stderr.

  • #8733: Drop a workaround for pyreadline that made it work with --pdb.

    The workaround was introduced in #1281 in 2015, however since then
    pyreadline seems to have gone unmaintained, is generating
    , and will stop working on Python 3.10.

  • #9061: Using pytest.approx{.interpreted-text role="func"} in a boolean context now raises an error hinting at the proper usage.

    It is apparently common for users to mistakenly use pytest.approx like this:

    assert pytest.approx(actual, expected)

    While the correct usage is:

    assert actual == pytest.approx(expected)

    The new error message helps catch those mistakes.

  • #9277: The pytest.Instance collector type has been removed.
    Importing pytest.Instance or _pytest.python.Instance returns a dummy type and emits a deprecation warning.
    See instance-collector-deprecation{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for details.

  • #9308: PytestRemovedIn7Warning deprecation warnings are now errors by default.

    Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as
    possible, all warnings of type PytestRemovedIn7Warning now generate errors
    instead of warning messages by default.

    The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 7.1, so please consult the
    deprecations{.interpreted-text role="ref"} section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code.

    In the pytest 7.0.X series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a
    stopgap measure by adding this to your pytest.ini file:

    filterwarnings =

    But this will stop working when pytest 7.1 is released.

    If you have concerns about the removal of a specific feature, please add a
    comment to 9308{.interpreted-text role="issue"}.


  • #7259: py.path.local arguments for hooks have been deprecated. See the deprecation note <legacy-path-hooks-deprecated>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for full details.

    py.path.local arguments to Node constructors have been deprecated. See the deprecation note <node-ctor-fspath-deprecation>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for full details.

    ::: {.note}
    ::: {.admonition-title}

    The name of the ~_pytest.nodes.Node{.interpreted-text role="class"} arguments and attributes (the
    new attribute being path) is the opposite of the situation for hooks
    (the old argument being path).

    This is an unfortunate artifact due to historical reasons, which should be
    resolved in future versions as we slowly get rid of the py{.interpreted-text role="pypi"}
    dependency (see 9283{.interpreted-text role="issue"} for a longer discussion).

  • #7469: Directly constructing the following classes is now deprecated:

    • _pytest.mark.structures.Mark
    • _pytest.mark.structures.MarkDecorator
    • _pytest.mark.structures.MarkGenerator
    • _pytest.python.Metafunc
    • _pytest.runner.CallInfo
    • _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo
    • _pytest.config.argparsing.Parser
    • _pytest.config.argparsing.OptionGroup
    • _pytest.pytester.HookRecorder

    These constructors have always been considered private, but now issue a deprecation warning, which may become a hard error in pytest 8.

  • #8242: Raising unittest.SkipTest{.interpreted-text role="class"} to skip collection of tests during the
    pytest collection phase is deprecated. Use pytest.skip{.interpreted-text role="func"} instead.

    Note: This deprecation only relates to using unittest.SkipTest{.interpreted-text role="class"} during test
    collection. You are probably not doing that. Ordinary usage of
    unittest.SkipTest{.interpreted-text role="class"} / unittest.TestCase.skipTest{.interpreted-text role="meth"} /
    unittest.skip{.interpreted-text role="func"} in unittest test cases is fully supported.

  • #8315: Several behaviors of Parser.addoption <pytest.Parser.addoption>{.interpreted-text role="meth"} are now
    scheduled for removal in pytest 8 (deprecated since pytest 2.4.0):

    • parser.addoption(..., help=".. %default ..") - use %(default)s instead.
    • parser.addoption(..., type="int/string/float/complex") - use type=int etc. instead.
  • #8447: Defining a custom pytest node type which is both an pytest.Item <Item>{.interpreted-text role="class"} and a pytest.Collector <Collector>{.interpreted-text role="class"} (e.g. pytest.File <File>{.interpreted-text role="class"}) now issues a warning.
    It was never sanely supported and triggers hard to debug errors.

    See the deprecation note <diamond-inheritance-deprecated>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for full details.

  • #8592: pytest_cmdline_preparse{.interpreted-text role="hook"} has been officially deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. Use pytest_load_initial_conftests{.interpreted-text role="hook"} instead.

    See the deprecation note <cmdline-preparse-deprecated>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for full details.

  • #8645: pytest.warns(None) <pytest.warns>{.interpreted-text role="func"} is now deprecated because many people used
    it to mean "this code does not emit warnings", but it actually had the effect of
    checking that the code emits at least one warning of any type - like pytest.warns()
    or pytest.warns(Warning).

  • #8948: pytest.skip(msg=...) <pytest.skip>{.interpreted-text role="func"}, <>{.interpreted-text role="func"} and pytest.exit(msg=...) <pytest.exit>{.interpreted-text role="func"}
    signatures now accept a reason argument instead of msg. Using msg still works, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

    This was changed for consistency with pytest.mark.skip <pytest.mark.skip>{.interpreted-text role="func"} and pytest.mark.xfail <pytest.mark.xfail>{.interpreted-text role="func"} which both accep...

Read more


07 Dec 08:35
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Prepare release version 7.0.0rc1


30 Aug 17:39
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pytest 6.2.5 (2021-08-29)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #8494: Python 3.10 is now supported.
  • #9040: Enable compatibility with pluggy 1.0 or later.


04 May 16:22
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pytest 6.2.4 (2021-05-04)

Bug Fixes

  • #8539: Fixed assertion rewriting on Python 3.10.


03 Apr 22:06
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pytest 6.2.3 (2021-04-03)

Bug Fixes

  • #8414: pytest used to create directories under /tmp with world-readable
    permissions. This means that any user in the system was able to read
    information written by tests in temporary directories (such as those created by
    the tmp_path/tmpdir fixture). Now the directories are created with
    private permissions.

    pytest used silenty use a pre-existing /tmp/pytest-of-<username> directory,
    even if owned by another user. This means another user could pre-create such a
    directory and gain control of another user's temporary directory. Now such a
    condition results in an error.


25 Jan 14:52
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pytest 6.2.2 (2021-01-25)

Bug Fixes

  • #8152: Fixed "(<Skipped instance>)" being shown as a skip reason in the verbose test summary line when the reason is empty.
  • #8249: Fix the faulthandler plugin for occasions when running with twisted.logger and using pytest --capture=no.


15 Dec 15:38
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pytest 6.2.1 (2020-12-15)

Bug Fixes

  • #7678: Fixed bug where ImportPathMismatchError would be raised for files compiled in
    the host and loaded later from an UNC mounted path (Windows).

  • #8132: Fixed regression in approx: in 6.2.0 approx no longer raises
    TypeError when dealing with non-numeric types, falling back to normal comparison.
    Before 6.2.0, array types like tf.DeviceArray fell through to the scalar case,
    and happened to compare correctly to a scalar if they had only one element.
    After 6.2.0, these types began failing, because they inherited neither from
    standard Python number hierarchy nor from numpy.ndarray.

    approx now converts arguments to numpy.ndarray if they expose the array
    protocol and are not scalars. This treats array-like objects like numpy arrays,
    regardless of size.