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Tim Sutton edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

If you would like to discuss topics on our QGISOpenDay, please add sections below for each discussion along with proposed time and agenda.

Programme overview:

QGISOpenDay 23th December 2020

No Name Time Coordinator
1 QGIS Quality Control Initiative 09h00 UTC Tim Sutton, Alexander Neto
2 QGIS Website Design Planning Session 10h00 UTC Tim Sutton, Richard Duivenvoorde


QGIS Quality Control Initiative

Time: 23 December 2020 09h00 UTC (click this link to find out the time in your local time zone), duration 1 hour.

Duration: 1 hour

Venue: QGIS Jitsi Room

Presenter: QGIS Community

Host: Tim Sutton

A walkthrough of the new testing plugin by Alexander Neto. Here is the report about the QEP 180 ( QGIS Quality Assurance methodology and infrastructure. All the tasks described in the proposal have been implemented.

Firstly, a Python plugin called Tester has been updated to run on QGIS 3.x and has been published in the QGIS Official Plugins repository ( It allows to run automated and semi-automated tests and helps to conduct testing by providing step-by-step instructions to perform manual or verification tasks. An initial small set of tests for QGIS core functionality has been implemented as a separate QGIS Core Tests plugin which is also available from the QGIS Official Plugins repository (

Secondly, a test management system based on KIWI TCMS has been set up at We are finalizing the creation of an initial test plan with several examples of test cases that can be used as a starting point during the testing process for the upcoming release of QGIS 3.18.

Finally, documentation for testers has been created and published at It covers all the steps needed to participate in the testing process, from setting up a clean environment to running tests and creating new test cases in the KIWI TCMS. Thanks a lot for this opportunity, we hope it's a huge step forward for QGIS QA!

QGIS Website Design Planning Session

Time: 23 December 2020 10h00 UTC (click this link to find out the time in your local time zone), duration 2 hours.

Duration: 2 hours

Venue: QGIS Jitsi Room

Presenter: QGIS Community

Host: Tim Sutton

Detailed discussion plans here.

Event promotion message:

Dear Users of our beloved QGIS Project

Wednesday December 23 is QGISOpenDay! What is QGISOpenDay, you may be wondering to yourself? It is an initiative to replace the wonderful community meetups we used to hold every six months when times were different. Like our in-person meetings, the event is organised on a principle of self-organisation and community participation.

XXX (world renowned QGIS expert) and I will be hosting a 2 hour AMA (ask me anything) session on Friday morning WET. You can find out more about it here:

The session will be recorded so if you can't watch live, you can still feel free to submit your QGIS brain teasers and burning questions for Giovanni to answer.

We really encourage others to follow our initiative, using the above wiki page to organise your plans (just add a section below our AMA one). You can host virtual meetups in the Jitsi room, plan your next steps to take QGIS further down the road to world domination and much much more. We encourage language and region-specific huddles, documentation improvement sessions, bug fixing, making beautiful maps, and working together to do amazing things with QGIS.

Participants are kindly reminded to please read and observe our QGIS Code of Conduct and Diversity Statement to make these events a great experience for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you there!

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