This is an example of full Apache Tomcat server deployment with a sample "Hello World" application for Qt Cloud Services - Managed Application Runtime ("MAR"). More information about Apache Tomcat.
See the Managed Application Runtime getting started documentation at Qt Cloud Services Developer Documentation
Procfile instructs the web process type to run the file which containts the detailed information how to startup the application.
Upon deployment Qt Cloud Services MAR container provides an environmental variable $PORT for which the HTTPS requests hitting Qt Cloud Services load balancer SSL port are internally forwarded into.
When running this sample locally without the $PORT environmental variable set Tomcat will listen the HTTP port 8080 for incoming connections. In case the file "apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml" has not been mofified, this script changes the default 8080 listener port to match the MAR container defined $PORT when executed by a web process in MAR container.
Files .buildpack according defines the dependency information about Java version to be used (Java 7). There's no compilation unit in this example, so the file pom.xml contains intentionally the minimum viable set of declaration to satisfy the compilation phase.
"apache-tomcat" directory contains Apache Tomcat server version which was downloaded and uncompressed into the directory in question. Regarding the downloaded version, all the embedded WAR modules from "apache-tomcat/webapps" directory has been removed and the sample hello-world-webapp.war application has been put in place.
You can start this application from the application root directory with the following commands depending your operating system:
You may replace the $PORT environmental variable with the chosen port number that your local shell process is privileged to run. If the $PORT variable is omitted, the HTTP server defaults the port 8080.
cd apache-tomcat/bin
Once the server has been started, you may test the sample application with your web browser at address which should respond with "Hello World!".
Please see the Qt Cloud Services Developer Documentation
NOTE: Without tweaking any command-line Java arguments regarding the heap memory usage deploy the sample app only to the instance which fulfills the following Runtime Size: ar-1-small (2CU, 512MB)
NOTE 2: The following command must be run once with qtc-cli tool in order the system be able use the custom buildpack define in the .buildpacks file at the root directory of a project:
qtc-cli mar envs:set BUILDPACK_URL= --app <your MAR app id here>
Once having the application deployed and running in the cloud, you may test the sample application with your web browser at address which should respond with "Hello World!".