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Deploy microservices of monorepo using GitHub Actions and Argo CD (open source)


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This is a set of GitHub Actions to deploy microservices in a mono-repository (monorepo).


Structure of monorepo

Our monorepo contains a set of microservices with application code and Kubernetes manifests. Here is the example of directory structure.

├── backend
|   ├── sources...
|   └── kubernetes
|       ├── base
|       └── overlays
|           ├── develop
|           |   └── kustomization.yaml
|           └── staging
|               └── kustomization.yaml
├── frontend
|   ├── sources...
|   └── kubernetes
|       └── overlays
|           └── ...
└── ...

We adopt this strcuture for the following advantages:

  • An owner of microservice (i.e. product team) has strong ownership for both application and manifest
  • We can change both application and manifest in a pull request

We deploy a set of services from a branch to a namespace. For example,

  • When develop branch is pushed,
    • Build a Docker image from develop branch
    • Run kustomize build against develop overlay
    • Deploy to develop namespace
  • When a pull request is created,
    • Build a Docker image from head branch
    • Run kustomize build against staging overlay
    • Deploy to an ephemeral namespace like pr-12345

Consequently, a structure of monorepo is like below.

└── ${service}
    └── kubernetes
        └── overlays
            └── ${overlay}
                └── kustomization.yaml

Here are the definitions of words.

Name Description Example
overlay Name of the overlay to build with Kustomize staging
namespace Namespace to deploy into a cluster pr-12345
service Name of a microservice backend

Structure of Argo CD Applications

We adopt App of Apps pattern of Argo CD for deployment hierarchy.

For a typical namespace such as develop or production, it is deployed with the below applications.

graph LR
  subgraph "generated-manifests"
    AppService[Application develop--SERVICE] --> Resources
  App[Application monorepo--develop] --> AppService

For a pull request namespace, it is deployed with the below applications and the pull request generator.

graph LR
  subgraph "generated-manifests"
    AppService[Application pr-NUMBER--SERVICE] --> Resources
  AppSet[ApplicationSet monorepo--pr] --> AppPr[Application pr-NUMBER] --> AppService

A namespace branch contains a set of generated manifest and Application manifest per a service.

destination-repository  (branch: ns/${source-repository}/${overlay}/${namespace})
├── applications
|   └── ${namespace}--${service}.yaml  (Application)
└── services
    └── ${service}
        └── generated.yaml


Node.js and pnpm is required.

brew install node@20
npm install -g pnpm@latest-10

Release workflow

When a pull request is merged into main branch, a new minor release is created by GitHub Actions. See for details.

Dependency update

You can enable Renovate to update the dependencies. See for details.