Split-screen editor for PGN
Annotate games with syntax highlighting and visualization.
{ moves: [Move], index: int | null, initial_fen: str, current_fen: str, tags: {},
Move id: "0:0:Pe2:Pe4", "0:1:e7:e5", "1:0:Ng1:Nf3" getTransitionMoves(old_state, new_state) -> [Moves] undo, redo
animate: current state: fen moves index new_state
- board moves update editor
- create variations on board
- move animations - apply and roll back moves instead of redrawing fen
- tab complete move numbers and legal moves - https://github.com/thlorenz/brace/blob/master/ext/language_tools.js
- shortcuts for Annotation symbols
- Control-f support https://github.com/thlorenz/brace/blob/master/ext/searchbox.js
- save multiple games to storage, share games with others
- list moves, e.g. https://www.npmjs.com/package/lichess-pgn-viewer
- show top engine moves
- pick themes
- spellcheck https://github.com/thlorenz/brace/blob/master/ext/spellcheck.js
/ '!!' { return '$3'; }
/ '??' { return '$4'; }
/ '!?' { return '$5'; }
/ '?!' { return '$6'; }
/ '!' { return '$1'; }
/ '?' { return '$2'; }
/ '‼' { return '$3'; }
/ '⁇' { return '$4'; }
/ '⁉' { return '$5'; }
/ '⁈' { return '$6'; }
/ '□' { return '$7'; }
/ '=' { return '$10'; }
/ '∞' { return '$13'; }
/ '⩲' { return '$14'; }
/ '⩱' { return '$15';}
/ '±' { return '$16';}
/ '∓' { return '$17';}
/ '+-' { return '$18';}
/ '-+' { return '$19';}
/ '⨀' { return '$22'; }
/ '⟳' { return '$32'; }
/ '→' { return '$36'; }
/ '↑' { return '$40'; }
/ '⇆' { return '$132'; }
/ 'D' { return '$220'; }
https://github.com/rabidaudio/cm-pgn/tree/move-locations https://www.npmjs.com/package/chess.js https://github.com/lichess-org/chessground/blob/master/src/state.ts https://github.com/lichess-org/chessground/blob/master/src/api.ts https://github.com/thlorenz/brace/blob/master/theme/monokai.js https://ace.c9.io/