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Francisco Javier Luna Vázquez edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

Below is an example of typical YAML content at the head of your Rmd document.

title       : Your Title
subtitle    : Your Sub Title
author      : You / Your Company
job         : Your Position/ Your Company
framework   : io2012        # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : tomorrow      # 
widgets     : []            # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}
license     : license type
Variable Description
title The title of your presentation, this appears on the first slide and, depending on the framework chosen, in the title bar of your browser.
subtitle The subtitle, this appears directly below the title on your first slide
framework The HTML5 document framework to use. Slidify supports more than 15 different frameworks
highlighter The highlighter to be used for syntax highlighting source code.
hitheme The syntax highlighting theme to use
widgets Widgets to include. See widgets for more information
mode See mode for more information
license Show the license type of your presentation About licenses
  • title: The title of your presentation, this appears on the first slide and, depending on the framework chosen, in the title bar of your browser.
  • subtitle: The subtitle, this appears directly below the title on your first slide
  • author: Your or your company's name
  • job: Your position in the company, or your company's name
  • framework: The HTML5 slide framework to use.
  • highlighter: The highlighter to be used for your syntax
  • hitheme: The highlighter theme
  • widgets: Include widgets as necessary, see widgets for more information
  • mode: How the document should be prepared.
    • standalone creates a single HTML file that can be shared, but it uses CDN for library assets, so you will require an internet connection to view the presentation.
    • selfcontained, bundles everything in a single folder (usually author()) and can be pushed to github/dropbox or shared as a zipped file, viewable offline
    • draft delivers all library assets from your R package installation, allowing you to experiment with different frameworks, highlighters and widgets, without worrying about cluttering your working folder. The html file created is NOT portable, since all paths are hard coded to your computer.
  • license | The license of your presentation, this appears on the first slide at the bottom.

R Code/Message/Warning Suppression

It's not uncommon to suppress code, warnings and messages that R generates for the purpose of presentation. To do so throughout your document, you can set global chunk options for your presentation just after YAML content, as follows:

`r opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE,message=FALSE,comment="")`
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