A Solidity smart contract implementation for staking RARE tokens with Merkle-based claim functionality and efficient reward distribution. This contract enables users to stake their RARE tokens and participate in a rewards program, with claims validated through Merkle proofs for gas-efficient distribution.
The Rare Staking contract implements a UUPS (Universal Upgradeable Proxy Standard) pattern for upgradeability, combined with a merkle-based claim system for efficient reward distribution. Here's a breakdown of the key components:
: The implementation contract containing the core logic for:- Staking and unstaking RARE tokens
- Merkle-based reward claiming
- Contract upgradeability
- Access control
: The proxy contract that:- Stores the contract state
- Delegates all calls to the implementation
- Enables seamless upgrades without state loss
Upgradeable Architecture
- UUPS proxy pattern for future upgrades
- State persistence across upgrades
- Owner-controlled upgrade mechanism
Staking Mechanism
- Direct RARE token staking
- Balance tracking per address
- Total stake accounting
- Reentrancy protection
Reward Distribution
- Merkle-based claim system
- Gas-efficient reward distribution
- Round-based claiming
- Duplicate claim prevention
Security Features
- OpenZeppelin's secure contract base
- Reentrancy guards
- Access control
- Input validation
graph TD
User[User] --> |Stake/Unstake| Proxy[ERC1967Proxy]
User --> |Claim Rewards| Proxy
Proxy --> |Delegates Calls| Implementation[RareStakingV1]
Implementation --> |Interacts| Token[RARE Token]
Owner[Owner] --> |Upgrade/Admin| Proxy
This architecture allows for future upgrades while maintaining the same contract address and state, providing flexibility for protocol improvements and bug fixes.
- Clone the repository and its submodules:
git clone https://github.com/rareprotocol/rare-staking.git
cd rare-staking
forge install
- Set up your environment variables:
cp sample.env .env
Then edit .env
with your configuration. The following variables are required:
: Your deployer wallet's private keyRARE_TOKEN
: The address of the RARE token contractINITIAL_MERKLE_ROOT
: The initial Merkle root for claims
See sample.env
for all available configuration options.
To compile the contracts:
forge build
To run tests:
forge test
To run tests with gas reporting:
forge test --gas-report
The deployment script is located in script/DeployRareStake.s.sol
. To deploy the contract:
Ensure your
file is properly configured with:PRIVATE_KEY
: Your deployer wallet's private keyRARE_TOKEN
: The address of the RARE token contractINITIAL_MERKLE_ROOT
: The initial Merkle root for claims
Run the deployment script:
For local testing:
forge script script/DeployRareStake.s.sol --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast
For testnet/mainnet deployment:
# Build and test before deployment
forge build
forge test
# Deploy with verification
forge script script/DeployRareStake.s.sol \
--rpc-url <your_rpc_url> \
--broadcast \
--verify \
--etherscan-api-key <YOUR_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY> \
The script will:
- Deploy the implementation contract (
) - Deploy the proxy contract pointing to the implementation
- Initialize the contract with the provided parameters
The proxy contract address should be used for all subsequent interactions with the protocol.
Replace <your_rpc_url>
with your preferred network RPC URL (e.g., Ethereum mainnet, testnet).
: Smart contract source filesRareStakingV1.sol
: Implementation contract with core logicinterfaces/
: Contract interfaces
: Contract test filesscript/
: Deployment and other scriptslib/
: Dependencies (OpenZeppelin contracts, Forge Standard Library)
The project uses the following main dependencies:
- OpenZeppelin Contracts (including proxy and upgradeability modules)
- Forge Standard Library
These are managed through Git submodules and Foundry's dependency system.