The project is hosted at: Report bugs here:
Cake is a modified Quake 2 based game engine built on top of the Quake 2 source code released by id Software.
Some of the major features currently implemented are:
- Easy to use modern build system via CMake
- SDL 2 backend
- OpenAL audio backend
- OGG Vorbis background music support
- RoQ cinematic video encoder / decoder
- Brand new OpenGL 3.x renderer
- UI improvements - mouse / controller support and TrueType font rendering
- HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL) and improved UDP downloading
- Portable content creation tools (q2map, bake)
- Master server and dedicated server tool
- Many, many, many bug fixes
Pre-built releases of Cake are available at:
Cake builds with CMake. If you've never tried it, please do so, it rocks. We require at least version 3.0.
The main dependency to build Cake is SDL2, which is provided in library format for MSVC builds, all others will need to grab it from source or from their distribution.
Other dependencies include OpenGL, OpenAL, libcurl, libmad, libmodplug, and zlib. We provide all dependencies for building everything else in src_main/libs if CMake doesn't find one.
There are various scripts in the src_main directory that will give you a way to build if CMake is installed on your machine. These scripts range from regular old GNU makefiles to XCode projects as well as MSVC 2010 all the way through 2017 32bit and 64bit variants.
To have a working game, you must install the game data into the baseq2 folder. All that is required is a copy of the full retail version of Quake 2. That is pak0.pak, pak1.pak, and pak2.pak.
Cake requires SDL2 to be installed or available on your system to function. If on Windows, that usually just requires putting SDL2.dll next to the main engine exe.
Please send all patches as a GitHub pull request, that will make everything easier to track.
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Pat 'raynorpat' Raynor [email protected]
Contributions from
- Ryan C. Gordon [email protected] - initial SDL Quake2 port - see
- Tim Angus and Thilo Schulz - ioQuake3 AVI recording
- yquake2 and KMQ2 projects - Save game system
- FFmpeg project - RoQ video encoder/decoder
- - OGG Vorbis example encoder/decoder
- Frank Sapone - master server - see
- Deniz Sezen - testing and bug fixes
- Lucas Zadrozny - testing and bug fixes