Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis, affectionately referred to as Baby Rudin, is a staple textbook in analysis. Its presentation is clear and direct, and has been enjoyed (endured?) by many students over the years.
Its typesetting is especially nice. While maintaining a LaTeX document of notes on the book, I tried to emulate it with some slight modifications. The result (in progress) is contained in this repository as a bare LaTeX class.
I am using the "INDIAN EDITION" version of the Third Edition, published by McGraw Hill Education. ISBN-10: 1-25-906478-6.
I have taken a few liberties with the style for now. (2017-05-09) For example, I append a black box at the end of proofs to better signify their end. Rudin simply puts more space at the end of a proof, but I'm not sure if I like that.