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@mp911de mp911de released this 15 Sep 13:07
· 627 commits to main since this release

The Lettuce team is delighted to announce the availability of the second and final Lettuce 6 release candidate.

Most notable changes that ship with this release are

  • Kotlin Coroutine API
  • Redesign command latency metrics publishing

We're working now towards the final release of Lettuce 6.0 by incorporating feedback from this release candidate.

Kotlin Coroutine API

Kotlin users can now use a Coroutine API that exposes suspended methods and uses Flow where appropriate.
The API can be obtained through an extension function for Standalone, Cluster, and Sentinel connections exposing the appropriate API.

val suspendableCommands: RedisSuspendableCommands<String, String> = connection.suspendable()

val foo1 = suspendableCommands.set("foo", "bar")
val foo2 = suspendableCommands.keys("fo*")

Additionally, we ship two extensions that simplify transactional usage by providing a multi closure:

val result: TransactionResult = connection.async().multi {
    set("foo", "bar")

The API is marked experimental and requires opt-in through @ExperimentalLettuceCoroutinesApi to avoid Compiler warnings.
We expect further evolution of the API towards a more Flow-oriented API where now List is returned to enable streaming of large responses.

Redesign command latency metrics publishing

This is a mostly internal change that switches from CommandLatencyCollector to the newly introduced CommandLatencyRecorder interface.
Unless you're implementing or configuring CommandLatencyCollector yourself, you should not see any changes.

This change is motivated by support for libraries that provide latency observability without publishing metrics to the EventBus.

Thanks to all contributors who made Lettuce 6.0.0.RC2 possible.
Lettuce requires a minimum of Java 8 to build and run and is compatible with Java 15. It is tested continuously against the latest Redis source-build.

API cleanups/Breaking Changes

With this release, we took the opportunity to introduce a series of changes that put the API into a cleaner shape.

  • Redesign command latency metrics publishing #1409



  • Wrong cast in StringCodec may lead to IndexOutOfBoundsException #1367 (Thanks to @dmandalidis)
  • Sentinel authentication failed when using the pingBeforeActivateConnection parameter #1401 (Thanks to @viniciusxyz)
  • RedisURI.toString() should not reveal password #1405
  • MasterReplica.connect(…) doesn't consider username with Redis 6 #1406
  • LPOS command sends FIRST instead of RANK #1410 (Thanks to @christophstrobl)


  • Upgrade to Reactor 3.3.9.RELEASE #1384
  • Upgrade to Project Reactor 3.3.10.RELEASE #1411
  • Upgrade to netty 4.1.52.Final #1412
  • Upgrade test/optional dependencies #1413


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