This Python library is a simple abstraction to the REST API.
For more information on
- Python API Doc:
- General LimaCharlie Doc:
The Python API uses the REST API. The REST API currently supports many more functions. If the Python is missing a function available in the REST API that you would like to use, let us know at [email protected].
pip install limacharlie
Authenticating to use the SDK / CLI can be done in a few ways.
The simplest is to login to an organization using an API key.
Use limacharlie login
to store credentials locally. You will need an OID
(Organization ID) and an API key, both
of which you can get from the "REST API" section of the web interface.
The login interface supports named environments, or a default one used when no environment is selected.
To list available environments: limacharlie use
Setting a given environment in the current shell session can be done like: . <(limacharlie use dev-org)
You can also specify a UID
(User ID) during login to use a user API key representing
the total set of permissions that user has (see User Profile in the web interface).
You can use the LC_OID
and LC_UID
environment variables to replace
the values used logging in. The environment variables will be used if no other credentials
are specified.
When using limacharle login
functionality, credentials are stored in a plain text format
on a ~/.limacharlie
file on disk.
Credentials are stored in the following format:
# top level / default credentials
api_key: xxx
oid: xxx
# optional, only needs to be set for user scopd api keys
uid: xxx
# Environment specific credentials which can be selected using "limacharlie use <environment>"
# command. For example: "limacharlie use org-2".
api_key: xxx
oid: xxx
# optional, only needs to be set for user scopd api keys
# uid: xxx
api_key: xxx
oid: xxx
# optional, only needs to be set for user scopd api keys
# uid: xxx
If you manually manipulate this file, make sure you preserve the permissions and ownership as orginally set by the CLI (600) so other users can't read it.
If you prefer not to store credentials in a plain text format in a file on disk, use an alternative method for authentication (e.g. environment variables, as described above).
Docker image with latest version of the tool is available at
Example usage:
docker run refractionpoint/limacharlie:latest whoami
# If you already have a credential file locally, you can mount it inside the Docker container
docker run -v ${HOME}/.limacharlie:/root/.limacharlie:ro refractionpoint/limacharlie:latest whoami
The root of the functionality in the SDK is from the Manager
object. It holds the crendentials
and is tied to a specific Organization.
You can authenticate the Manager
using an oid
(and optionally a uid
), along with either
a secret_api_key
or jwt
directly. Alternatively you can just use an environment name (as specified
in limacharlie login
). If no creds are provided, the Manager
will try to use the default environment
and credentials.
import limacharlie
# Create an instance of the SDK.
man = limacharlie.Manager()
# Get a list of all the sensors in the current Organization.
all_sensors = man.sensors()
# Select the first sensor in the list.
sensor = all_sensors[ 0 ]
# Tag this sensor with a tag for 10 minutes.
sensor.tag( 'suspicious', ttl = 60 * 10 )
# Send a task to the sensor (unidirectionally, not expecting a response).
sensor.task( 'os_processes' )
# Send a yara scan to that sensor for processes "evil.exe".
sensor.task( 'yara_scan -e *evil.exe ' + YARA_SIG )
Note that the SDK uses the gevent
package which sometimes has issues with other
packages that operate at a low level in python. For example, Jupyter notebooks
may see freezing on importing limacharlie
and require a tweak to load:
"display_name": "IPython 2 w/gevent",
"language": "python",
"argv": [
"-c", "from gevent.monkey import patch_all; patch_all(thread=False); from ipykernel.kernelapp import main; main()",
This is a the general component that provides access to the managing functions of the API like querying sensors online, creating and removing Outputs etc.
The Firehose
is a simple object that listens on a port for data.
Under the hood it creates a Syslog Output on pointing to itself
and removes it on shutdown. Data from is added to firehose.queue
(a gevent Queue
) as it is received.
It is a basic building block of automation for
Much like the Firehose
, the Spout receives data from, the difference
is that the Spout
does not require opening a local port to listen actively on. Instead
it leverages
to receive the data stream over HTTPS.
A Spout
is automatically created when you instantiate a Manager
with the
is_interactive = True
and inv_id = XXXX
arguments in order to provide real-time
feedback from tasking sensors.
This is the object returned by manager.sensor( sensor_id )
It supports a task
, hostname
, tag
, untag
, getTags
and more functions. This
is the main way to interact with a specific sensor.
The task
function sends a task to the sensor unidirectionally, meaning it does not
receive the response from the sensor (if any). If you want to interact with a sensor
in real-time, use the interactive mode (as mentioned in the Spout
) and use either
the request
function to receive replies through a FutureResults
object or the
to wait for the response and receive it as a return value.
The Artifacts
is a helpful class to upload Artifact Collection
to LimaCharlie without going through a sensor.
The Payloads
can be used to manage various executable payloads
accessible to sensors.
The Replay
object allows you to interact with Replay
jobs managed by LimaCharlie. These allow you to re-run D&R Rules
on historical data.
The Search
object allows you to perform an IOC search across multiple organizations.
The SpotCheck
object (sometimes called Fleet Check) allows you to manage an active (query sensors directly
as opposed to searching on indexed historical data) search for various IOCs on an organization's sensors.
The Configs
is used to retrieve an organization's configuration as a config file, or apply
an existing config file to an organization. This is the concept of Infrastructure As Code.
The Webhook
object demonstrates handling webhooks emited by the LimaCharlie cloud, including
verifying the shared-secret signing of the webhooks.
- Basic Manager Operations
- Basic Firehose Operations
- Basic Spout Operations
- Basic Integrated Operations
- Rules Config Syncing
Many of the objects available as part of the LimaCharlie Python SDK also support various command line interfaces.
python -m limacharlie.Firehose event -n firehose_test -t fh_test --oid c82e5c17-d519-4ef5-a4ac-caa4a95d31ca
Listens on interface
, port 9424
for incoming connections from
Receives only events from hosts tagged with fh_test
python -m limacharlie.Spout event --oid c82e5c17-d519-4ef5-a4ac-caa4a95d31ca
Behaves similarly to the Firehose, but instead of listenning from an internet accessible port, it
connects to the
service to stream the output over HTTPS. This means the Spout
allows you to get ad-hoc output like the Firehose, but it also works through NATs and proxies.
It is MUCH more convenient for short term ad-hoc outputs, but it is less reliable than a Firehose for very large amounts of data.
limacharlie configs fetch --oid c82e5c17-d519-4ef5-a4ac-c454a95d31ca
limacharlie configs push --dry-run --oid c82e5c17-d519-4ef5-a4ac-c454a95d31ca
The fetch
command will get a list of the Detection & Response rules in your
organization and will write them to the config file specified or the default
config file lc_conf.yaml
in YAML format.
Then push
can upload the rules specified in the config file (or the default one)
to your organization. The optional --force
argument will remove active rules not
found in the config file. The --dry-run
simulates the sync and displayes the changes
that would occur.
The --config
allows you to specify an alternate config file and the --api-key
you to specify a file on disk where the API should be read from (otherwise, of if -
specified as a file, the API Key is read from STDIN).
All these capabilities are also supported directly by the limacharlie.Configs
The Sync functionality currently supports all common useful configurations. The --no-rules
flags can be used to ignore one or the other in config files and sync. Additional
flags are also supported, see limacharlie configs --help
To understand better the config format, do a fetch
from your organization or have
a look at the samples. Notice the use of the include
statement. Using this statement you can combine multiple config files together, making
it ideal for the management of complex rule sets and their versioning.
python -m limacharlie.SpotCheck --no-macos --no-linux --tags vip --file c:\\evil.exe
Used to perform Organization-wide checks for specific indicators of compromise. Available as a custom
API SpotCheck
object or as a module from the command line. Supports many types of IoCs like file names,
directories, registry keys, file hashes and yara signatures.
For detailed usage: python -m limacharlie.SpotCheck --help
limacharlie search --help
Shortcut utility to perform IOC searches across all locally configured organizations.
limacharlie artifacts upload --help
Shortcut utility to upload Artifact Collection directly to
LimaCharlie with just the CLI (no Agent).
limacharlie artifacts get_original --help
Shortcut utility to download Artifact Collection in
LimaCharlie locally.
limacharlie replay --help
Shortcut utility to perform Replay jobs from the CLI.
limacharlie dr --help
Shortcut utility to manage Detection and Response rules over the CLI.
limacharlie events --help
and limacharlie detections --help
Print out to STDOUT events or detections matching the parameter.
limacharlie sensors --selector '*'
Print out all basic sensor information for all sensors matching the selector.
limacharlie extension --help
Shortcut utility to perform actions pertaining Extensions using just the CLI.
limacharlie get-arl --help
Print out data returned from the given ARL.
limacharlie get-arl -a [github,Yara-Rules/rules/email]