Simple, ad free & open android birthday app/widget.
Get from f-droid or download latest APK at
- free & open
- no fancy permissions
- low battery usage
- doesn't phone home
Use the provided Makefile wrapper. Available targets are
- make keygen - generate own keystore
- make update - update project
- make all - build release
- make debug - build debug
- make sign - sign release
- make install - push .apk to device using adb
- make install_debug - push debugging .apk to device using adb
e.g. make update && make keygen && make && make sign && make install
You need the appcompat library to compile Birthdroid. You might have to update that path for the update target in the Makefile.
- Launch the app
- You'll see a list of contacts with upcoming birthdays
- Use the preferences menu to configure various settings
- (optional) add a widget to your home-screen that continously shows upcoming birthdays
- Q: How can I force-refresh the birthday list or the widget content?
- A: Data will be refreshed regularly every 24 hours and after you leave the preferences. To force a refresh, open and close the preferences dialog from the app menu.