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Phenome-wide unified model

Table of Contents

  1. Download Genebass Files
  2. Pre-process Phenotype Descriptions
  3. Prepare Files for Meta-Regression (
  4. Identify Continuous Phenotypes (
  5. Unified Meta-Regression Model (
  6. Pipeline for Unified Meta Regression

1. Download Genebass Files


  • Install hail and pandas for python3
  • Allow hail to read from Google Cloud Storage. Hail provides documentation for doing this here.
# reads genebass files from GCS and converts them to TSV files.

import hail as hl
import pandas as pd


gene_burden_results = hl.read_matrix_table('gs://ukbb-exome-public/500k/results/')
single_variant_results = hl.read_matrix_table('gs://ukbb-exome-public/500k/results/')
phenotype_metadata = hl.read_table('gs://ukbb-exome-public/500k/results/')

scratch_path = '/scratch/groups/mrivas/larissal' # replace with path to where you want to save these files

gene_burden_table = gene_burden_results.rows()
gene_burden_table.export(scratch_path + 'gene_burden_results.tsv')

single_variant_results_table = single_variant_results.rows()
single_variant_results_table.export(scratch_path + 'single_variant_results.tsv')

phenotype_metadata_df = phenotype_metadata.to_pandas()
phenotype_metadata_df.to_csv(scratch_path + 'pheno_results.tsv', sep='\t', index=False)

2. Pre-process Phenotype Descriptions


  • Install hail.
  • Have access to the phenotype file as a TSV.

import sys
import hail as hl
import os

def process_phenotypes(start_index, end_index):

    # Read the table (TSV file)
    path = '/scratch/groups/mrivas/larissal/pheno_results.tsv'
    table = hl.import_table(path, impute=True)
    # Collect unique phenotype codes
    pheno_codes_set = table.aggregate(hl.agg.collect_as_set(table.phenocode))
    # Convert the set to a list and sort it
    pheno_codes_list = sorted(list(pheno_codes_set))

    # Process the subset of phenotypes using the list
    for pheno_code in pheno_codes_list[start_index:end_index]:
        file_path = f"/scratch/groups/mrivas/larissal/genebassout/{pheno_code}.genebass.tsv.gz"
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            print(f"{pheno_code} EXISTS, SKIPPING")
        # Filter the table based on phenotype code
        subset_table = table.filter(table.phenocode == pheno_code)
        # Export the filtered table
        subset_table.export(file_path, header=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_index = int(sys.argv[1])
    end_index = int(sys.argv[2])
    process_phenotypes(start_index, end_index)

3. Prepare Files for Meta-Regression (

OUTPUT: a TSV file ready to be analyzed by


Access to the following datasets

  1. Constraint probabilities - data located at /oak/stanford/groups/mrivas/projects/wgs-constraint-llm/osthoag/wgs-constraint-llm/results/HMM_rgc_0.9_over20_chr2_predictions_rgc_wes.tsv.gz
  2. Alpha Missense scores located in: /oak/stanford/groups/mrivas/projects/wgs-constraint-llm/data/AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz
  3. Downloaded genebass files for phenotypes

import pandas as pd
import argparse
import json

# preprocess the TSV file:

# split 'locus' column into 'CHR' and 'POS' to match constraint probabilities columns
def reformat_locus(data):
    data[['chr', 'pos']] = data['locus'].str.split(':', expand=True)
    data['pos'] = data['pos'].astype(int)
    return data

# split 'alleles' column into 'REF' and 'ALT' to match constraint probabilities columns
def reformat_alleles(data):
    # extracts REF and ALT from the alleles column
    def extract_alleles(alleles_str):
        # Convert string representation of list to actual list
        alleles_list = json.loads(alleles_str)
        if len(alleles_list) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected alleles format: {alleles_str}")
        return pd.Series(alleles_list, index=['ref', 'alt'])
    # Apply the extraction function to the alleles column
    data[['ref', 'alt']] = data['alleles'].apply(extract_alleles)
    return data

# Merge to create new columns in TSV file

# adds the prob_0 column from constraint probabilities data (merge on CHR and POS (locus))
def add_constraint_prob_data(data, constraint_probabilities):
    constraint_prob_0 = constraint_probabilities[['chr', 'pos', 'prob_0']]
    return pd.merge(data, constraint_prob_0, on=['chr', 'pos'], how='left')

# adds the am_pathogenicity column from alpha missense dataset (merge on CHR, POS, REF, ALT)
def add_alpha_missense_data(data, alpha_missense):
    alpha_missense.rename(columns={'#CHROM': 'chr', 'POS': 'pos', 'REF': 'ref', 'ALT': 'alt'}, inplace=True)
    alpha_missense_filtered = alpha_missense[['chr', 'pos', 'ref', 'alt', 'am_pathogenicity']]
    return pd.merge(data, alpha_missense_filtered, on=['chr', 'pos', 'ref', 'alt'], how='left')

# adds a pLoF indicator with 'LC' and 'pLoF' mapping to 1, otherwise 0
def add_plof_ind_data(data):
    # Define the condition for setting the indicator to 1
    plof_indicators = ['pLoF', 'LC']
    condition = data['annotation'].isin(plof_indicators)

    # Create the new indicator column based on the condition
    data['pLoF_indicator'] = condition.astype(int)
    return data

# adds a missense indicator
def add_missense_ind_data(data):
    # Define the condition for setting the indicator to 1
    missense_indicators = ['missense']
    condition = data['annotation'].isin(missense_indicators)

    # Create the new indicator column based on the condition
    data['missense_indicator'] = condition.astype(int)
    return data

def main(dataset_path, output_path):
    # Define the file paths
    constraint_probabilities_path = '/oak/stanford/groups/mrivas/projects/wgs-constraint-llm/osthoag/wgs-constraint-llm/results/HMM_rgc_0.9_over20_chr2_predictions_rgc_wes.tsv.gz'
    alpha_missense_path = '/oak/stanford/groups/mrivas/projects/wgs-constraint-llm/data/AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz'
    # Load the datasets for constraint probabilities, alpha missense
    constraint_probabilities = pd.read_csv(constraint_probabilities_path, compression='gzip', sep='\t', comment='#')
    print("Constraint Probabilities Data:")

    alpha_missense = pd.read_csv(alpha_missense_path, compression='gzip', sep='\t', skiprows=3)
    print("\nAlpha Missense Data:")

    # we will call the astrazeneca file for this phenotype 'data'
    data = pd.read_csv(dataset_path, sep='\t', comment='#')
    print("\nOriginal Dataset:")

    # preprocess data
    data = reformat_locus(data)
    data = reformat_alleles(data)

    # add columns: prob_0, am_pathogenicity, pLoF_indicator
    data = add_constraint_prob_data(data, constraint_probabilities)
    data = add_alpha_missense_data(data, alpha_missense)
    data = add_plof_ind_data(data)
    data = add_missense_ind_data(data)

    # Write the final DataFrame to a TSV file
    data.to_csv(output_path, sep='\t', index=False)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Join Constraint Probabilities Data with astrazeneca by-phenotype-data.")
    parser.add_argument('dataset_path', type=str, help='Path to the astrazeneca dataset file')
    parser.add_argument('output_path', type=str, help='Path to save the processed output file')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    main(args.dataset_path, args.output_path)

4. Identify Continuous Phenotypes

This step is helpful when we want to analyze only continuous phenotypes and want to avoid processing non-continuous input files. Not necessary if only running one phenotype at a type.


  1. Downloaded genebass file pheno_results.tsv
# creates a text file containing every continuous phenotype code

import pandas as pd

def get_continuous_phenos(path):
    df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')

    # Filter rows where 'trait_type' is 'continuous'
    continuous_df = df[df['trait_type'] == 'continuous']
    continuous_phenocodes = set(continuous_df['phenocode'])
    # Export the set of continuous phenotypes to a text file
    with open('/scratch/groups/mrivas/larissaredo/continuous_phenos.txt', 'w') as f:
        for pheno in continuous_phenocodes:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # edit path to match location of phenoresults.tsv
    my_path = "/scratch/groups/mrivas/larissaredo/pheno_results.tsv"
    continuous_phenos = get_continuous_phenos(my_path)

5. Unified Meta Regression Model (

This will save the results of the unified meta regression analysis of each phenotype to a compressed TSV file.


  1. Input: finished pre-processed file from

# PREREQUISITES: you need to pass in the filepath to a tsv file which has been pre-processed by
# OUT: saves the results of a meta regression analysis (p values and coefficients) to a compressed TSV file
# be sure to pass in a .tsv.gz file for the output file, and not just a .tsv

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import WLS
from import add_constant
import logging

def main(results_path, output_path):
    # Read the data from the file
    input_df = pd.read_csv(results_path, sep='\t')

    # Initialize lists to store results
    meta_model_results = []

    # frequency threshold
    input_df = input_df[input_df['AF'] <= 0.05]

    # Ensure probabilities are not exactly 1 or 0
    epsilon = 1e-2
    input_df['prob_0'] = np.clip(input_df['prob_0'], epsilon, 1 - epsilon)
    input_df['am_pathogenicity'] = np.clip(input_df['am_pathogenicity'], epsilon, 1 - epsilon)

    # Apply log transformations
    input_df[['log_constraint', 'log_pathogenicity']] = -np.log1p(-(input_df[['prob_0', 'am_pathogenicity']]))

    # Impute missing values with column means
    input_df[['log_constraint', 'log_pathogenicity']] = input_df[['log_constraint', 'log_pathogenicity']].fillna(input_df[['log_constraint', 'log_pathogenicity']].mean())
    input_df[['pLoF_indicator', 'missense_indicator']] = input_df[['pLoF_indicator', 'missense_indicator']].fillna(0)

    # Remove rows with missing effect_size or var_effect_size
    input_df = input_df.dropna(subset=['BETA', 'SE'])
    input_df = input_df[input_df['SE'] != 0]

    # Group data by gene
    grouped_gene_data = input_df.groupby(['gene'])

    # Loop over each gene group and build a meta-regression model
    for gene, gene_data in tqdm(grouped_gene_data, desc="Processing genes", unit="gene"):
        if gene_data[['log_constraint', 'log_pathogenicity', 'pLoF_indicator', 'missense_indicator', 'BETA', 'SE']].isnull().any().any():

        # Meta-regression model for the gene
        X = add_constant(gene_data[['log_constraint', 'log_pathogenicity', 'pLoF_indicator', 'missense_indicator']])
        y = gene_data['BETA']
        weights = 1 / gene_data['SE']**2

            model = WLS(y, X, weights=weights, missing='drop').fit()
            # Set up logging basic config
            pheno_code = os.path.basename(results_path).replace(".genebass.tsv.gz", "")
            log_dir = "/scratch/groups/mrivas/larissaredo/unified_model"
            log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, f"{pheno_code}.log")
            logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

            # Perform diagnostics
  "Gene {gene[0]}")

            # Append results to the list: coefficients and p-values
                'gene': gene[0],
                # model p-value
                'p_model': model.f_pvalue,
                # log constraint
                'coef_log_constraint': model.params['log_constraint'],
                'p_log_constraint': model.pvalues['log_constraint'],
                # log pathogenicity
                'coef_log_pathogenicity': model.params['log_pathogenicity'],
                'p_log_pathogenicity': model.pvalues['log_pathogenicity'],
                # pLoF
                'coef_pLoF_indicator': model.params['pLoF_indicator'],
                'p_pLoF_indicator': model.pvalues['pLoF_indicator'],
                # missense
                'coef_missense_indicator': model.params['missense_indicator'],
                'p_missense_indicator': model.pvalues['missense_indicator'],
                # constant
                'coef_constant': model.params['const'],
                'p_constant': model.pvalues['const']
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"An error occurred with gene {gene}: {e}")

    # Create a DataFrame from the results
    unified_model_df = pd.DataFrame(meta_model_results)

    # Save the results to a compressed CSV file
    unified_model_df.to_csv(output_path, index=False, compression='gzip', sep='\t')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Usage: python <results_path> <output_path>")
    results_path = sys.argv[1]
    output_path = sys.argv[2]
    main(results_path, output_path)

6. Pipeline for Unified Meta Regression

Job Scripting for

Push the file pre-processing step across all continuous phenotypes.


  1. Downloaded genebass files
  2. Pre-processing phenotype descriptions
  3. Working version of script
  4. A file continous_phenos.txt containing a list of every continuous phenotype (use to generate this text file)
  5. A job script (here it is named which submits each phenotype to be processed.

Job Scripting for


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