Interpose.Core is a framework for doing dynamic interception of .NET code (Aspect-Oriented Programming). Interpose.Core targets .NET Standard 2.0.
Interception mechanisms all fall into one kind:
- Type interception: a new type is generated on the fly; examples are virtual method interception
- Instance interception: uses any existing instance; examples are interface and dynamic
Interpose.Core supports the following interception mechanisms:
- Virtual method (type): only virtual methods of non-sealed classes can be intercepted
- Interface (instance): any method declared in an interface can be intercepted
- Dynamic (instance): any method or property can be implemented as long as the object can be treated as dynamic
- DispatchProxy (instance): any method declared in an interface can be intercepted
You can use one of the following generators:
- CodeDOM generator
- Roslyn generator
As for the actual handlers, we have:
- Custom handler, a type that implements IInterceptionHandler
- Attributes-base handler
- Registry-based handler, where you register an handler for a specific method
- Event-based handler
- Delegate-based handler
Instance interception (interface):
var interceptor = new InterfaceInterceptor();
var instance = new MyType();
var handler = new MyHandler();
var proxy = interceptor.Intercept(instance, typeof(IMyType), handler) as IMyType;
Type interception (virtual method):
var interceptor = new VirtualMethodInterceptor();
var proxyType = interceptor.Intercept(typeof(MyType), typeof(MyHandler));
You can either:
- Clone from GitHub:
- Install via Nuget:
If you see any value in this and wish to send me your comments, please do so through GitHub. Questions and suggestions are welcome too!
This software is distributed under the terms of the Free Software Foundation Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 (see lgpl.txt).
You are free to use this as you wish, but I ask you to please send me a note about it.