This software is a Custom Component to integrate Warmup under-floor heating devices into Home Assistant. It is compatible with the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS).
Warmup Plc manufacture under-floor heating (UFH) and control systems, including a range of wifi-enabled home thermostats. Some of these thermostats, such as the 4IE and 6IE, have an API. This software enables communication via this API, and allows Home Assistant to read and control the supported devices, using a python script to perform the integration.
You may install this integration from the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS), or continue reading below for instructions on the manual installation of this component.
This software is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see
The library is primary intended to interface the 4IE with home assistant, but may also be used standalone.
Before you can use this component, you need to register for a Warmup account. See
If you have HACS installed, then use this button
Alternatively Explore HACS Repositories and search for warmup
See more detailed instuctions on installing warmup
Here are instructions for you to install this software as a Custom Component that is manually included in a Home Assistant Core installation (manual using Python virtual environment).
You need to copy the contents of the custom_components/warmup
into in your HA config folder, e.g.:
cd path/to/your/config
git clone /tmp/warmup
# remove any previous version
rm -r ./custom_components/warmup 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p ./custom_components/warmup
cp -r /tmp/warmup/custom_components/warmup/* ./custom_components/warmup
# clean up
rm -rf /tmp/warmup/
If you are testing a specific branch, like dev
, then you would git clone -b dev https...etc
to get the branch you need.
In the unlikely event that you cannot manually install the HACS compatible version of this custom component, you may go back to the last release before HACS compatibility, Release v23.02. Please refer to the README inside that source file for the legacy commands to deploy the custom component manually.
Note that once you have successfully deployed the custom component and restarted you Home Assistant, you should see the following warning in the logs:
WARNING [homeassistant.loader]
We found a custom integration warmup which has not been tested by Home Assistant.
This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
This is a positive sign, as it means the custom component has been successfully loaded. Great! - now carry on.
Then add to your configuration.yaml:
- platform: warmup
- username (required): the username used to login to the warmup web site
- password (required): the password used to login to the warmup web site; may be moved to the secrets.yaml file. See secrets
After restarting home assistant, the component will be loaded automatically.
If you are winding up having to do multiple restarts because Home Assistant won't shutdown with the updated config file (because when it checks the config file, integration warmup not found) you can get around that by using the CLI command ha core restart
Alternatively, with the menu restructuring, the menu entry for Stop Server isn't accessible. However you can use the keyboard short cut 'c' and type restart to find that choice. Once the server has stopped you can move the config entry in and do a ha core start
Our wiki has some ideas on how to configure warmup devices in your Home Assistant instance.
We do not currently have instructions for using this software as a Custom repository for Home Assistant Operating System (HAOS) or Home Assistant Container deployments, but you are welcome to use our issue tracker to discuss any potential improvements to this project.
OLD instructions
You may install the library via pip using
>>> pip install warmup4ie
After that, import the library, and away you go.
>>> import warmup4ie
>>> warmup = warmup = warmup4ie.Warmup4IE('<e-mail>', '<password>',
>>> warmup.get_all_devices()
>>> device = warmup.get_device_by_name(\"Underfloor\")
>>> device.get_current_temperature()
- 4IE
- this is the device for which this project was launched, so has reasonable support
- 6IE
- this newer device has shown teething issues here, but seems to work with some caveats
- try keeping your wifi network SSID length <= 32 characters and password <= 15 characters
- you cannot set it up as 'living room', but you can choose 'kitchen' and change through the warmup web interface
- please see 6ie Thermostat compatibility issues #33 for details
Note that some models may not have comma
on the keyboard, which may also limit your choice of wireless network SSID and Password.
At the moment the library supports reading current temperature, target temperature plus other values from the thermostat and setting the target temperature, switching between manual, automatic and frost protection mode, switching the device off, and setting a temporary override.
For further information on versions please see the CHANGELOG
There is more detailed documentation on the API and the information returned from the device on the documentation wiki. If you have issues using this software then please check our Issue list and if someone else has not already, then do raise a new issue. If you wish you become more involved with the project then please see our guide to contributing.
Please note that Warmup Plc were not involved in the creation of this software. We do, however, acknowledge their ownership of registered trademarks relating to their brand and products.
Many Thanks to all the contributors helped us get here!
Originally inspired by @alyc100's project for SmartThingsHub here, this code is derived from some great work by @alex0103 to create a Home Assistant Custom Component and Python Package. That has been improved by a number of coders, notably @foxy82, with valuable contributions and support from @artmg, @rct, @robchandhok, @kkoenen.
Thank you to the community who continue to be involved with and support this project, and encourage others to use it.