This library is no longer a priority for me. Feel free to fork it.
- profanity-filter: A Python library for detecting and filtering profanity
is a universal library for detecting and filtering profanity. Support for English and Russian is
- Full text or individual words censoring.
- Multilingual support, including profanity filtering in texts written in mixed languages.
- Deep analysis. The library detects not only the exact profane word matches but also derivative and distorted profane words using the Levenshtein automata, ignoring dictionary words, containing profane words as a part.
- Spacy component for using the library as a part of the pipeline.
- Explanation of decisions (attribute
). - Partial word censoring.
- Extensibility support. New languages can be added by supplying dictionaries.
- RESTful web service.
- Context-free. The library cannot detect using profane phrases consisted of decent words. Vice versa, the library cannot detect appropriate usage of a profane word.
Here are the basic examples of how to use the library. For more examples please see tests
from profanity_filter import ProfanityFilter
pf = ProfanityFilter()
pf.censor("That's bullshit!")
# "That's ********!"
# Word(uncensored='fuck', censored='****', original_profane_word='fuck')
from profanity_filter import ProfanityFilter
pf = ProfanityFilter()
# "********"
# Word(uncensored='oofuko', censored='******', original_profane_word='fuck')
pf.censor_whole_words = False
# Word(uncensored='h0r1h0r1', censored='***1***1', original_profane_word='h0r')
from profanity_filter import ProfanityFilter
pf = ProfanityFilter(languages=['ru', 'en'])
pf.censor("Да бля, это просто shit какой-то!")
# "Да ***, это просто **** какой-то!"
import spacy
from profanity_filter import ProfanityFilter
nlp = spacy.load('en')
profanity_filter = ProfanityFilter(nlps={'en': nlp}) # reuse spacy Language (optional)
nlp.add_pipe(profanity_filter.spacy_component, last=True)
doc = nlp('This is shiiit!')
# True
# False
for token in doc:
print(f'{token}: '
f'censored={token._.censored}, '
f'is_profane={token._.is_profane}, '
# This: censored=This, is_profane=False, original_profane_word=None
# is: censored=is, is_profane=False, original_profane_word=None
# shiiit: censored=******, is_profane=True, original_profane_word=shit
# !: censored=!, is_profane=False, original_profane_word=None
from profanity_filter import ProfanityFilter
pf = ProfanityFilter()
pf.censor_char = '@'
pf.censor("That's bullshit!")
# "That's @@@@@@@@!"
pf.censor_char = '*'
pf.custom_profane_word_dictionaries = {'en': {'love', 'dog'}}
pf.censor("I love dogs and penguins!")
# "I **** **** and penguins"
pf.is_clean("That's awesome!")
# True
pf.is_clean("That's bullshit!")
# False
pf.is_profane("That's bullshit!")
# True
pf.extra_profane_word_dictionaries = {'en': {'chocolate', 'orange'}}
pf.censor("Fuck orange chocolates")
# "**** ****** **********"
$ profanity_filter -h
usage: profanity_filter [-h] [-t TEXT | -f PATH] [-l LANGUAGES] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--show]
Profanity filter console utility
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TEXT, --text TEXT Test the given text for profanity
-f PATH, --file PATH Test the given file for profanity
Test for profanity using specified languages (comma
Write the censored output to a file
--show Print the censored text
$ uvicorn profanity_filter.web:app --reload
INFO: Uvicorn running on
Go to the {BASE_URL}/docs
for interactive documentation.
First two parts of installation instructions are designed for the users who want to filter English profanity. If you want to filter profanity in another language you still need to read it.
For minimal setup you need to install profanity-filter
with is bundled with spacy
and download spacy
model for tokenization and lemmatization:
$ pip install profanity-filter
$ # Skip next line if you want to filter profanity in another language
$ python -m spacy download en
For more info about Spacy models read:
To get deep analysis functionality install additional libraries and dictionary for your language.
Firstly, install hunspell
and hunspell-devel
packages with your system package manager.
For Amazon Linux AMI run:
$ sudo yum install hunspell
For openSUSE run:
$ sudo zypper install hunspell hunspell-devel
Then run:
$ pip install -U profanity-filter[deep-analysis] git+ git+
$ # Skip next lines if you want deep analysis support for another language (will be covered in next section)
$ cd profanity_filter/data
$ wget
$ wget
$ mv en_US.aff en.aff
$ mv en_US.dic en.dic
Let's take Russian for example on how to add new language support.
Firstly, we need to provide file profanity_filter/data/ru_badwords.txt
which contains a newline separated list of
profane words. For Russian it's already present, so we skip file generation.
Next, we need to download the appropriate Spacy model. Unfortunately, Spacy model for Russian is not yet ready, so we
will use an English model for tokenization. If you had not install Spacy model for English, it's the right time to do
so. As a consequence, even if you want to filter just Russian profanity, you need to specify English in
constructor as shown in usage examples.
Next, we download dictionaries in Hunspell format for deep analysis from the site
> cd profanity_filter/data
> wget
> wget
> mv ru_RU.aff ru.aff
> mv ru_RU.dic ru.dic
For Russian and Ukrainian languages to achieve better results we suggest you to install pymorphy2
To install pymorphy2
with Russian dictionary run:
$ pip install -U profanity-filter[pymorphy2-ru] git+
You need to install polyglot
package and it's requirements for language detection.
See for more detailed instructions.
For Amazon Linux AMI run:
$ sudo yum install libicu-devel
For openSUSE run:
$ sudo zypper install libicu-devel
Then run:
$ pip install -U profanity-filter[multilingual]
$ pip install -U profanity-filter[web]
You can always check will deep, morphological, and multilingual analyses work by inspecting the value of module
. If you've followed all steps and installed support for all analyses you will see the
from profanity_filter import AVAILABLE_ANALYSES
print(', '.join(sorted(analysis.value for analysis in AVAILABLE_ANALYSES)))
# deep, morphological, multilingual
If something is not right, you can import dependencies yourself to see the import exceptions:
from profanity_filter.analysis.deep import *
from profanity_filter.analysis.morphological import *
from profanity_filter.analysis.multilingual import *
English profane word dictionary: (author Areeb Beigh).
Russian profane word dictionary: (author Ivan Sergeev).