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map_plan() and other niceties

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@wlandau wlandau released this 26 Oct 12:22

Version 6.1.0

New features

  • Add a new map_plan() function to easily create a workflow plan data frame to execute a function call over a grid of arguments.
  • Add a new plan_to_code() function to turn drake plans into generic R scripts. New users can use this function to better understand the relationship between plans and code, and unsatisfied customers can use it to disentangle their projects from drake altogether. Similarly, plan_to_notebook() generates an R notebook from a drake plan.
  • Add a new drake_debug() function to run a target's command in debug mode. Analogous to drake_build().
  • Add a mode argument to trigger() to control how the condition trigger factors into the decision to build or skip a target. See the ?trigger for details.
  • Add a new sleep argument to make() and drake_config() to help the master process consume fewer resources during parallel processing.
  • Enable the caching argument for the "clustermq" and "clustermq_staged" parallel backends. Now, make(parallelism = "clustermq", caching = "master") will do all the caching with the master process, and make(parallelism = "clustermq", caching = "worker") will do all the caching with the workers. The same is true for parallelism = "clustermq_staged".
  • Add a new append argument to gather_plan(), gather_by(), reduce_plan(), and reduce_by(). The append argument control whether the output includes the original plan in addition to the newly generated rows.
  • Add new functions load_main_example(), clean_main_example(), and clean_mtcars_example().
  • Add a filter argument to gather_by() and reduce_by() in order to restrict what we gather even when append is TRUE.
  • Add a hasty mode: make(parallelism = "hasty") skips all of drake's expensive caching and checking. All targets run every single time and you are responsible for saving results to custom output files, but almost all the by-target overhead is gone.

Bug fixes

  • Ensure commands in the plan are re-analyzed for dependencies when new imports are added (#548). Was a bug in version 6.0.0 only.
  • Call path.expand() on the file argument to render_drake_graph() and render_sankey_drake_graph(). That way, tildes in file paths no longer interfere with the rendering of static image files. Compensates for
  • Skip tests and examples if the required "Suggests" packages are not installed.
  • Stop checking for non-standard columns. Previously, warnings about non-standard columns were incorrectly triggered by evaluate_plan(trace = TRUE) followed by expand_plan(), gather_plan(), reduce_plan(), gather_by(), or reduce_by(). The more relaxed behavior also gives users more options about how to construct and maintain their workflow plan data frames.
  • Use checksums in "future" parallelism to make sure files travel over network file systems before proceeding to downstream targets.
  • Refactor and clean up checksum code.
  • Skip more tests and checks if visNetwork is not installed.


  • Stop earlier in make_targets() if all the targets are already up to date.
  • Improve the documentation of the seed argument in make() and drake_config().
  • Set the default caching argument of make() and drake_config() to "master" rather than "worker". The default option should be the lower-overhead option for small workflows. Users have the option to make a different set of tradeoffs for larger workflows.
  • Allow the condition trigger to evaluate to non-logical values as long as those values can be coerced to logicals.
  • Require that the condition trigger evaluate to a vector of length 1.
  • Keep non-standard columns in drake_plan_source().
  • make(verbose = 4) now prints to the console when a target is stored.
  • gather_by() and reduce_by() now gather/reduce everything if no columns are specified.
  • Change the default parallelization of the imports. Previously, make(jobs = 4) was equivalent to make(jobs = c(imports = 4, targets = 4)). Now, make(jobs = 4) is equivalent to make(jobs = c(imports = 1, targets = 4)). See issue 553 for details.
  • Add a console message for building the priority queue when verbose is at least 2.
  • Condense load_mtcars_example().
  • Deprecate the hook argument of make() and drake_config().
  • In gather_by() and reduce_by(), do not exclude targets with all NA gathring variables.