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Maintenance release

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@wlandau wlandau released this 07 Apr 14:06

Version 7.1.0

Bug fixes

  • In drake 7.0.0, if you run make() in interactive mode and respond to the menu prompt with an option other than 1 or 2, targets will still build.
  • Make sure file outputs show up in drake_graph(). The bug came from append_output_file_nodes(), a utility function of drake_graph_info().
  • Repair r_make(r_fn = callr::r_bg()) re #799.
  • Allow drake_ggraph() and sankey_drake_graph() to work when the graph has no edges.

New features

  • Add a new use_drake() function to write the make.R and _drake.R files from the main example. Does not write other supporting scripts.
  • With an optional logical hpc column in your drake_plan(), you can now select which targets to deploy to HPC and which to run locally.
  • Add a list argument to build_times(), just like loadd().
  • Add a new RStudio addin: 'loadd target at cursor' which can be bound a keyboard shortcut to load the target identified by the symbol at the cursor position to the global environment.


  • file_in() and file_out() can now handle entire directories, e.g. file_in("your_folder_of_input_data_files") and file_out("directory_with_a_bunch_of_output_files").
  • Send less data from config to HPC workers.
  • Improve drake_ggraph()
    • Hide node labels by default and render the arrows behind the nodes.
    • Print an informative error message when the user supplies a drake plan to the config argument of a function.
    • By default, use gray arrows and a black-and-white background with no gridlines.
  • For the map() and cross() transformations in the DSL, prevent the accidental sorting of targets by name. Needed merge(sort = FALSE) in dsl_left_outer_join().
  • Simplify verbosity. The verbose argument of make() now takes values 0, 1, and 2, and maximum verbosity in the console prints targets, retries, failures, and a spinner. The console log file, on the other hand, dumps maximally verbose runtime info regardless of the verbose argument.
  • In previous versions, functions generated with f <- Rcpp::cppFunction(...) did not stay up to date from session to session because the addresses corresponding to anonymous pointers were showing up in deparse(f). Now, drake ignores those pointers, and Rcpp functions compiled inline appear to stay up to date. This problem was more of an edge case than a bug.
  • Prepend time stamps with sub-second times to the lines of the console log file.
  • In drake_plan(), deprecate the tidy_evaluation argument in favor of the new and more concise tidy_eval. To preserve back compatibility for now, if you supply a non-NULL value to tidy_evaluation, it overwrites tidy_eval.
  • Reduce the object size of drake_config() objects by assigning closure of config$sleep to baseenv().