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Power Platform Open-Source Hub

A starting point towards the open-source ecosystem related to Power Platform

🏑 What is the PowerPlatform-OpenSource-Hub project?

Having a thriving open-source ecosystem is a team sport. The Power Platform community should feel lucky, because we already have amazing open-source projects.

But it is not necessarily simple to navigate into this amazing world full of opportunities. The goal of this repository is to try to simplify your journey in Power Platform open-source ecosystem and also to help accelerate its growth.

From projects opened to contributions to top growing repositories you should be able to find your next adventure here.

🌎 Power Platform

Repositories Count Badge Active Repositories Count Badge Opened Good First Issues Count Badge Opened Help Wanted Issues Count Badge
Security Policy Enabled Percentage Badge Code of Conduct Availability Percentage Badge

powerplatform Badge power-platform Badge powerapps Badge power-apps Badge powerautomate Badge power-automate Badge powervirtualagent Badge power-virtual-agent Badge dataverse Badge microsoft-dataverse Badge powerfx Badge power-fx Badge dynamics365 Badge dynamics-365 Badge pcf-controls Badge powerappscomponentframework Badge ai-builder Badge

πŸ’­ Repositories with good first or help wanted issues

Name Language Help Wanted Issues Good First Issues Topics
OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-requestateam PowerShell Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge microsoft Badge microsoftteams Badge powerapps Badge powerautomate Badge logicapps Badge azure Badge
WaelHamze/dyn365-ce-vsts-tasks PowerShell Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge devops Badge continuous-integration Badge continuous-delivery Badge continuous-deployment Badge dynamics-365 Badge powershell Badge msdyn365 Badge crm Badge dynamics Badge build-automation Badge release-automation Badge
WaelHamze/xrm-ci-framework C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge devops Badge continuous-integration Badge continuous-delivery Badge continuous-deployment Badge crm Badge dynamics Badge msdyn365 Badge dynamics-365 Badge powershell Badge scripts Badge build-automation Badge release-automation Badge
microsoft/Power-Fx C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge power-fx Badge powerfx Badge
r-geoflow/geoflow R Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge r Badge geospatial Badge spatial Badge workflow Badge data Badge metadata Badge fair Badge inspire Badge iso Badge ogc Badge orchestrator Badge zenodo Badge dataverse Badge postgis Badge ocs Badge
ProvisionGenie/ProvisionGenie Bicep Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge microsoftteams Badge powerplatform Badge logicapps Badge microsoft-teams Badge azure Badge microsoft Badge hacktoberfest Badge
Capgemini/powerapps-packagedeployer-template C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dyanmics-365 Badge dynamics Badge dynamics-crm Badge alm Badge continuous-deployment Badge continuous-delivery Badge powerapps Badge package-deployer Badge power-apps Badge power-platform Badge microsoft Badge
shashisadasivan/SSD365VSAddIn C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge d365fo Badge d365 Badge visual-studio-extension Badge dynamics-365 Badge hacktoberfest Badge
Capgemini/powerapps-specflow-bindings C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dynamics-365 Badge dynamics Badge dynamics-crm Badge specflow Badge automated-testing Badge automated-tests Badge ui-testing Badge xrm Badge powerapps Badge cds Badge bindings Badge specflow-steps Badge test-automation Badge testing Badge specflow-bindings Badge uci Badge power-apps Badge power-platform Badge microsoft Badge
J535D165/datahugger Python Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge scientific Badge scientific-data Badge cli Badge data Badge dataverse Badge dryad Badge figshare Badge github Badge python Badge repository Badge research Badge research-data-management Badge science Badge utrecht-university Badge zenodo Badge datacite Badge dataone Badge mendeley-data Badge rdm Badge
onurmenal/crm-power-pane JavaScript Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dynamics-crm Badge dynamics-365 Badge browser-extension Badge crm Badge
gdcc/dataverse-kubernetes Shell Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dataverse Badge docker Badge container Badge containerization Badge kubernetes Badge kubernetes-deployment Badge kubernetes-cluster Badge k8s Badge kustomize Badge hacktoberfest Badge
Capgemini/powerapps-project-template C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge powerapps Badge power-apps Badge dynamics-365 Badge dynamics Badge dynamics-crm Badge powerplatform Badge power-platform Badge yeoman-generator Badge microsoft Badge
OliverFlint/XrmTypesGen TypeScript Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dynmaics Badge 356 Badge typescript Badge javascript Badge dataverse Badge powerapps Badge dynamics-365 Badge
microsoft/powercat-creator-kit CSS Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge pcf Badge powerapps Badge
Capgemini/xrm-datamigration C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge power-apps Badge power-platform Badge dynamics-365 Badge dynamics-crm Badge dynamics Badge common-data-service Badge cds Badge microsoft Badge powerplatform Badge
scottdurow/dataverse-gen TypeScript Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge cds Badge codegen Badge common-data-service Badge dataverse Badge
microsoft/Microsoft365DSC PowerShell Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge microsoft365 Badge powershell Badge monitoring Badge desiredstateconfiguration Badge configuration-as-code Badge devops Badge office365 Badge sharepoint Badge onedrive Badge powerplatform Badge teams Badge microsoft Badge securityandcompliance Badge skypeforbusiness Badge azuread Badge exchangeonline Badge intune Badge hacktoberfest Badge
ewingjm/development-hub C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge powerapps Badge powerapps-solutions Badge powerplatform Badge dynamics Badge dynamics-crm Badge dynamics365 Badge dynamics-365 Badge dynamics-crm-online Badge common-data-service Badge cds Badge ci Badge continuous-integration Badge devops Badge azure-devops Badge
pnp/provision-assist-m365 PowerShell Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge microsoftteams Badge powerapps Badge powerapps-solutions Badge sharepoint Badge azureautomation Badge logicapps Badge powerautomate Badge powershell Badge provisioning Badge copilot Badge copilot-for-microsoft-365 Badge
IQSS/dataverse-client-r R Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dataverse Badge sword Badge r Badge cran Badge data Badge data-deposit Badge dataverse-api Badge
abvogel/Microsoft.Xrm.DevOps.Data C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dynamics-crm Badge c-sharp Badge dynamics Badge dynamics-365 Badge dynamics-crm-online Badge devops-tools Badge data-migration-tool Badge crm-configuration-migration Badge package-deployer Badge crm-package-deployer Badge
Power-Maverick/PCF-CustomControlBuilder C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge xrmtoolbox Badge cds Badge powerapps Badge dynamics-365 Badge pcf Badge custom-controls Badge powerappscomponentframework Badge
scottdurow/RibbonWorkbench JavaScript Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge dynamics365 Badge
PowerPlatformAF/PowerPlatformAF Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge powerplatform Badge powerapps Badge powerbi Badge powerautomate Badge powervirtualagent Badge dynamics365 Badge microsoft Badge
MscrmTools/XrmToolBox C# Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge xrmtoolbox Badge microsoft-dynamics-crm Badge cds Badge powerapps Badge microsoft-dynamics Badge microsoft-dataverse Badge
OGcanviz/ChartComponents Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge powerapps Badge office365 Badge powerplatform Badge charts Badge graphs Badge svg Badge components Badge
pnp/prompt-pulse Help Wanted Issues Badge Good First Issues Badge ai Badge copilot Badge copilot-chat Badge powerapps Badge powerautomate Badge prompt Badge prompt-engineering Badge sharepoint-online Badge copilot-for-microsoft-365 Badge microsoft365 Badge prompts Badge

πŸš€ Top 10 growing repositories

Name Language Stars Watchers Topics
instructa/viber3d TypeScript Stars Badge Watchers Badge 3d-browser Badge 3d-games Badge ai-builder Badge r3f Badge react-three-fiber Badge three Badge threejs Badge viber3d Badge
activepieces/activepieces TypeScript Stars Badge Watchers Badge no-code Badge business-automation Badge zapier Badge low-code Badge automation Badge typescript Badge self-hosted Badge workflow Badge n8n Badge automation-tools Badge workflow-automation Badge enterprise-automation Badge llm Badge workato Badge powerautomate Badge tray Badge agent Badge agents Badge ai Badge
DataZooDE/erpl-web C++ Stars Badge Watchers Badge api Badge duckdb Badge duckdb-extension Badge dynamics-365 Badge fiori Badge odata Badge rest Badge
microsoft/PowerApps-Samples C# Stars Badge Watchers Badge dataverse Badge dynamics-365 Badge dynamics365 Badge microsoft-dataverse Badge pcf-controls Badge power-apps Badge power-platform Badge powerapps Badge powerappscomponentframework Badge powerplatform Badge ai-builder Badge power-pages Badge
mbrg/power-pwn Python Stars Badge Watchers Badge defcon30 Badge pentesting Badge redteam Badge hacking Badge powerautomate Badge roboticprocessautomation Badge rpa Badge lowcode Badge nocode Badge m365 Badge microsoft365 Badge powerapps Badge blackhat2023 Badge hacking-tool Badge redteamer Badge redteaming Badge blackhat2024 Badge ai-red-team Badge copilotstudio Badge copilot-for-microsoft-365 Badge
microsoft/Power-CAT-Tools C# Stars Badge Watchers Badge powerplatform Badge powercat Badge powerapps Badge
microsoft/Power-Fx C# Stars Badge Watchers Badge power-fx Badge powerfx Badge
microsoft/PowerPlatformConnectors C# Stars Badge Watchers Badge microsoft Badge connector Badge power-platform Badge logicapps Badge powerapps Badge powerautomate Badge hacktoberfest Badge
pnp/powerplatform-samples Stars Badge Watchers Badge powerapps Badge powerfx Badge powervirtualagent Badge powerautomate Badge powerpages Badge powerpageshackathon Badge hacktoberfest Badge
microsoft/powerplatform-vscode TypeScript Stars Badge Watchers Badge powerplatform Badge vscode-extension Badge pac Badge

πŸ“ Complementary details

  • The referenced repositories here respect the following criteria:
    • having at least one of the monitored topics
    • having at least 10 stars or at least 10 watchers
    • having been updated in the last 6 months
    • is not archived
  • The summary badges and the list of repositories with good first or help wanted issues is updated daily
    • Active repositories where updated in the last 30 days
  • The list of top 10 growing repositories is updated every Monday based on growth measured in a 7-day period (based on a snapshot from previous Monday). And the growth indicator is the sum of the number of stars and the number of watchers.

❗ Code of Conduct

I, Raphael Pothin (@rpothin), as creator of this project, am dedicated to providing a welcoming, diverse, and harrassment-free experience for everyone. I expect everyone visiting or participating in this project to abide by the following Code of Conduct. Please read it.

πŸ“ License

All files in this repository are subject to the MIT license.


Your amazing journey in Power Platform open-source ecosystem could start here 🧳




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Contributors 4
