You can check the live demo of this website
- MDX blog posts
- MDX projects & other content
- RSS feed for blog posts
- Both light and dark mode
- SEO friendly (scoring 100 on Lighthouse)
- Responsive design (mobile friendly)
- Sitemap generation
- Analytics integration
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: Next 14 (app router)
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- UI Library: ShadCN UI
- Content: MDX
- Content Management: Github
- Content Generation: Velite
- RSS Generation: feed
- Deployment: Vercel
- Analytics: Vercel Analytics, Vercel Speed Analytics
# fork the repo & clone it
git clone
# install dependencies
bun install
# run the development server
bun dev
# run velite dev server
bun velite dev
Configure velite.config.ts
to add or modify your collection of content
Write your blog posts, projects, tils in the content
+├── content
+│ ├── blogs
+│ │ └── hello-world.mdx
+│ ├── projects
+│ │ └── project.mdx
+│ ├── tils
+│ │ └── til.mdx
+│ └── others
+│ └── other.yml
├── public
├── package.json
└── velite.config.ts
Read the velite docs for more information on how to use it.
- Configure website information in
- Configure personal information in
- Configure experience information in
- Configure SEO information in
- Configure social media information in
- Configure blog post SEO generation in
- Configure page SEO generation in their respective pages in
- Configure sitemap file in
. - Configure browser crawlable routes in
Configure rss feed generation script in rss.ts
. You can update description
and other parameters.
To generate rss feed, run the following command:
bun run rss:build
It will generate rss.xml
, rss.json
& atom.xml
in your public
Your default rss feed will be available at /rss.xml
or /rss.json
or /atom.xml
To configure custom rss feed path, update next.config.mjs
file. Currently, it's set to /feed
const nextConfig = {
// ...
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/feed',
destination: '/rss.xml',
// ...
I'm currently using Vercel Analytics and Vercel Speed Analytics for this website. It's very simple to integrate. You will find the integration code in src/app/layout.tsx
// ...
import { SpeedInsights } from "@vercel/speed-insights/next"
import { Analytics } from "@vercel/analytics/react"
// ...
export default function RootLayout(...) {
return (
{/* ... */}
<Analytics />
<SpeedInsights />
{/* ... */}
The easiest way to deploy this website is to use Vercel. You can deploy it with a single click using the button below: