What's Changed
- fix Access::can_write by @burrbull in #156
- impl DeriveFrom for Register/Cluster/Field by @burrbull in #158
- svd-rs 0.11.2 by @burrbull in #160
- peripheral array by @burrbull in #161
- merge cfg_attr serde by @burrbull in #162
- array constructors by @burrbull in #165
- Read action by @burrbull in #163
- add protection by @burrbull in #167
- add some absent entries for peripheral and cluster by @burrbull in #168
- add dim_name, dim_array_index by @burrbull in #169
- builder for AddressBlock by @burrbull in #170
- add missing entries to Cpu by @burrbull in #171
- common serde helpers for arrays by @burrbull in #173
- builder for Interrupt by @burrbull in #174
- check for wrong range size by @Emilgardis in #176
- release 0.12.0 by @burrbull in #177
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0