A core part implementation of the paper
Sanghyun Son and Kyoung Mu Lee, "SRWarp: Generalized Image Super-Resolution under Arbitrary Transformation," CVPR 2021
In the image warping process, the target image can be obtained by applying spatially-varying filters to each local patch in a source image.
Such an operation can be easily implemented with the im2col
function widely used in image processing. However, it is relatively slow and occupies large memory.
This repository provides an efficient PyTorch implementation with a CUDA backend for the spatially-varying filtering with the following specifications:
- A reference implementation of the paper: SRWarp
- Batching
- Channel-wise independent filters
- Automatic differentiation
- Miscellaneous utilities for image warping
Please note that we provide this repository as a standalone so that you can easily utilize it in your project as well. Full implementations, including training/test scripts, datasets, and models, can be found from here. Since I am a beginner in CUDA programming, there may exist several rooms for improvement. Any suggestions are welcomed to make this repository better.
This repository is tested under:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- CUDA 10.1 (Compute Capability 7.5)
- PyTorch 1.6
We have found some issues with CUDA 10.0 version. Please use a proper CUDA version for building this repository.
You can easily build this repository by following:
$ git clone https://github.com/sanghyun-son/pysrwarp
$ cd pysrwarp
$ make
If you have trouble building the code, please check pysrwarp/cuda/Makefile
and type your CUDA version as follows:
NVCC = /usr/local/cuda-${YOUR_CUDA_VERSION}/bin/nvcc
INCFLAGS = -I /usr/local/cuda-${YOUR_CUDA_VERSION}/include
Once you have installed the repository, you can easily use the warping method in your project:
from torchvision import io
from srwarp import transform
from srwarp import warp
x = io.read_image('image_file.png')
# Always use torch.DoubleTensor
m = torch.DoubleTensor([
[1, 0.5, 0],
[0.4, 1.2, 0],
[0.0001, 0.0001, 1],
# Calculate the output sizes and shift the matrix
# so that the resulting image can be located in regular coordinates.
m, sizes, _ = transform.compensate_matrix(x, m)
# A simple warping process using bicubic interpolation.
# Invalid regions are filled with fill=-255
# mask indicates valid regions where the output image is located.
y, mask_y = warp.warp_by_function(x, m, f_inverse=False, sizes=sizes, fill=-255)
# This MLP is for estimating spatially-varying kernels.
# Please check the paper for more details.
net = some_mlp()
z, mask_z = warp.warp_by_function(
valid = z * mask
valid_mean = valid.sum() / mask.sum()
# Automatic differentiation is supported.
If you have found our implementation helpful, please star and cite this repository as follows:
title={{SRW}arp: Generalized Image Super-Resolution under Arbitrary Transformation},
author={Son, Sanghyun and Lee, Kyoung Mu},