Welcome to this Open source, beginner-friendly repository that is gonna help you with your first pull-request
Ready for a brand new limited edition T-shirt from Digital Ocean?
All you need to do is:
Register to: Hacktoberfest2020
Make four pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 (in any time zone).
Before we run into nerdy stuff I want to say thank you for all your contributions!
Alright, let's get started.
First thing first:
- Clone or fork this project
simple guide how to clone/fork projects from Github
- Add your name to the CONTRIBUTING.md file:
- Edit one of the two file that I've created (I_LOVE_CODE.json) or (PROGRAMMERS_BEST_FRIEND.json)
- What's a .json file?
- I_LOVE_CODE.json
Fill in your Github account name as value of the key nickname: and the reason why you love coding as value of the key IloveCode:
"IloveCode": [
"nickname": "savino9",
"IloveCode": "it's super fun!"
// here your code...
Another JSON file, in here you'll write a list of your favourite web dev tool AND/OR your favourite text-editor as value of the key MybestFriends:
"nickname": "savino9",
"MybestFriends": ["Google Chrome DevTools", "Terminal", "Visual Studio"]
Happy Hacking!