Scan a QR code in the terminal using the system camera or a given image.
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install qrscan
# On Ubuntu, first install libclang-dev (apt-get install libclang-dev)
cargo install --locked --force qrscan
nix-env -f -iA qrscan
nix profile install github:sayanarijit/qrscan
Download the appropriate binary from the latest release.
Scan via the system camera with terminal preview
qrscan --preview
Scan a given image file
qrscan path/to/file
# Or read from stdin
cat /path/to/file | qrscan -
Print the QR code on the terminal
qrscan <path/to/file> --qr --no-content
Also print QR code metadata
qrscan <path/to/file> --metadata
Export the QR code as image files
qrscan <path/to/file> --qr \
--svg path/to/out.svg \
--png path/to/out.png \
--jpeg path/to/out.jpeg \
--ascii path/to/out.ascii
Capture a screenshot of a selected area using ImageMagic and scan the QR code.
import png:- | qrscan -