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Pulse Monitor

⚡️A fast bun-based checker/crawler/monitor tool that runs for free on Github actions

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Use cases

  • This tool allows you to retrieve website data and receive notifications when some condition met.
  • This can check your or other services Rest API response and do something with the response.
  • You can track the status of your website and receive notifications when it encounters downtime.
  • You can observe the price of a product and receive notifications when it undergoes fluctuations.
  • You can monitor the number of followers on a social network and receive notifications when it changes.


Supported data sources:

Data Source Supported
Rest API(json)

Supported scenarios:

Scenario Description
RESPONSE_EQUAL If the http call response is equal to some value
RESPONSE_NOT_EQUAL If the http call response is not equal to some value
RESPONSE_GREATER_THAN If the http call response cascade to number is greater than some value
RESPONSE_LOWER_THAN If the http call response cascade to number is lower than some value**
RESPONSE_CONTAINS If the http call response contains some value
RESPONSE_NOT_CONTAINS If the http call response does not contains some value
HTML_SELECTOR_EXIST If the HTML selector in http call response exists
HTML_SELECTOR_NOT_EXIST If the HTML selector in http call response does not exist
HTML_SELECTOR_CONTENT_EQUAL If the HTML selector value is equal to some value
HTML_SELECTOR_CONTENT_NOT_EQUAL If the HTML selector value is not equal to some value
HTML_SELECTOR_CONTENT_GREATER_THAN If the HTML selector value cascade to number is greater than some value
HTML_SELECTOR_CONTENT_LOWER_THAN If the HTML selector value cascade to number is lower than some value
HTML_SELECTOR_CONTENT_CONTAINS If the HTML selector value contains some value
HTML_SELECTOR_CONTENT_NOT_CONTAINS If the HTML selector value does not contains some value
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_EXIST If the JSON selector path exists
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_NOT_EXIST If the JSON selector path does not exists
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_EQUAL If the JSON selector value is equal to some value
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_NOT_EQUAL If the JSON selector value is not equal to some value
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_GREATER_THAN If the JSON selector value cascade to number is greater than some value
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_LOWER_THAN If the JSON selector value cascade to number is lower than some value
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_CONTAINS If the JSON selector value contains some value
JSON_SELECTOR_CONTENT_NOT_CONTAINS If the JSON selector value does not contains some value

Supported notification methods:

Method Supported

How to use

There are two ways to use this crawler.

  • Self-hosted
  • Github Action

If you want to use this crawler as a self-hosted, you need to install the dependencies and run the crawler with pm2 or forever. (see self-hosted section) If you want to use this crawler in Github Action, you need to clone this repo, enable workflows and add below described secrets to your repo.

With secrets you can configure the crawler and receive notifications by Email, Whatsapp, Telegram, Slack or Twitter. But first:

  • You need to change the website address.
  • You need to check the xpath of the data you want to crawl.
  • Then per each notification method you need to change the configuration.

HTTP configuration

Feature Description Supported values
URL The service/website URL to be called URL
METHOD The method that you want to be used to call this URL GET, POST
PARSE_MODE The parse method you want to use HTML, TEXT, JSON
HTML_SELECTOR A CSS like selector for cheerio library string
JSON_SELECTOR A object path selector text string
VALUE_TO_CHECK A value to be compared to selected content string, number
SCENARIO One of supported scenarios SCENARIO
MESSAGE_FORMATTER A function to format the message Function
FAILURE_MESSAGE_FORMATTER A function to format the failure messages Function

You need to provide the website address and the selector based on your parse mode. This configuration is common for all notification methods, and lives in the config.js file.

  HTTP: [
      URL: '',
      METHOD: 'GET',
      PARSE_MODE: parseModes.HTML,
      HTML_SELECTOR: '.title > a:nth-child(1)',
      JSON_SELECTOR: '.property[0].to.check',
      VALUE_TO_CHECK: 'some value to be checked', // if you want to check selector value
      HEADERS: {},
      ENABLED: true,
      }) => `${HTTP.URL}\n` + `${$selectedHtml.text().substring(0, 100)}\n`,
      }) => `${HTTP.URL}\n` + `${$selectedHtml.text().substring(0, 100)}\n`,

You can pick different PARSE_MODE for the data you want to check. Currently supported modes are HTML, TEXT and JSON. Also you can choose your SCENARIO from the list of supported scenarios. The chosen scenario will be applied to the VALUE_TO_CHECK and the HTML_SELECTOR or JSON_SELECTOR value or the main Response of http call if PARSE_MODE is TEXT.

Graphql configuration

To configure the graphql crawler you need to provide the graphql endpoint and the query. For this you need to edit config.js file and add your endpoint + query there.

      ENABLED: true,
      URL: '',
      QUERY: `
          query ExampleQuery {
          company {
        roadster {
      VARIABLES: {},
      JSON_SELECTOR: '',
      VALUE_TO_CHECK: 'Elon Musk', // if you want to check selector value
      HEADERS: {},
      MESSAGE_FORMATTER: ({ CONFIG, expectedValue, response, jsonSelectorValue }) =>
      `${CONFIG.URL}\n` + `${jsonSelectorValue}\n`,
      }) => `${CONFIG.URL}\n` + `${jsonSelectorValue}\n`,

For the graphql crawler you can use the same scenarios as the http crawler except that the PARSE_MODE is always JSON and scenario should be started with JSON_SELECTOR_.


Emailing can work simply with google SMTP server. You need to change the email address and password. For this purpose you should use google app password. You can create one from here.

Then change the email address and password in the config.js file.

  EMAIL: {
    ENABLED: true,
    HOST: '',
    PORT: 465,
    SECURE: true,
    SUBJECT: 'New Items',
    TO: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],


You need to create a telegram bot and get the bot token and chat id. You can create a bot and get the token from here.

Then change the token and chat id in the config.js file, also you need to change the chat ids.

    ENABLED: true,


You need to create a Slack app and get the webhook url. You can create a slack app and get the webhook url from here.

The configuration can be enabled using config.js file, also you need to change the channel id.

  SLACK: {
    ENABLED: true,


You can have your own API to be called when the crawler finds a new item. You can enable this feature using config.js file.

    ENABLED: true,

Set the webhook url and the x-api-key in the .env file.

WEBHOOK_URL = 'your-webhook-url';
WEBHOOK_X_API_KEY = 'your-webhook-x-api-key';


You need to create a Twitter app and get the api key and api secret key. You can create a twitter app and get the api key and api secret key from here.

The configuration can be enabled using config.js file.

    ENABLED: false,


You need to create a facebook app and get the api key and api secret key. You can create a facebook app and get the api key and api secret key from here.

Then change the api key and api secret key in the config.js file.

    ENABLED: false,
  1. Create a Facebook App on the Facebook Developer Portal ( and obtain an App ID and App Secret.

  2. Generate a user access token with the required permissions (such as "pages_*") for posting on behalf of the user. You can do this by following the Facebook API documentation (

  3. Set up env variables: Set the following environment variables in your .env file:

FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'your-facebook-access-token';


You can use Discord to send notifications. You need to create a discord account and get the webhook url. You can create a discord account and get the webhook url from here.

The configuration can be enabled using config.js file.

  Discord: {
    ENABLED: false,

DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL is the webhook url you get from discord, and you need to put it in the .env file. (check the .env.example file) You can change the channel id in the Webhook URL.

Whatsapp (soon)

You need to create a whatsapp app and get the webhook url. You can create a whatsapp app and get the webhook url from here.

The configuration can be enabled using config.js file.

    ENABLED: false,

SMS (soon)

You can use Twilio to send SMS notifications. You need to create a twilio account and get the account sid and auth token. You can create a twilio account and get the account sid and auth token from here.

The configuration can be enabled using config.js file.

  SMS: {
    ENABLED: false,


  • Add some example use cases and scenarios
  • Add more notification channels
  • Add a web interface to manage the crawler
  • Support socket endpoint calls
