This is a CLI application for students and teachers to give reviews.
We have three models: Student
, Teacher
, and Review
has manyReview
s. ATeacher
has manyReview
s. AReview
belongs to aStudent
and aTeacher
. -
is a many to many relationship. -
s andTeacher
s alike have the opportunity to leave a review about programs that they are in or teach. -
s can see, edit, delete their ownReview
s. -
s can see allReview
s, filter them by 'program' or see, edit, and delete their ownReview
s. -
In the
class: -
you can pull and see the reviews that were made with date/time upon when the review was made.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
$ git clone{your-username}/phase-3-project.git
Navigate to the project directory:
$ cd phase-3-project
Install the required packages:
$ pipenv install && pipenv shell
Navigate to the db directory:
$ cd lib/db
You can then open 'review.db' with SQLITE. Now you should be able to see the populated database files.
** If it doesn't work, try one of these or both: **
To create the review.db file and navigate the SQLite tables in your code editor, enter:
$ alembic upgrade head
Next, run:
$ python db/
Navigate back to the lib directory:
$ cd ..
Run the program using:
$ python
Password for students: password
password for teachers: flatsteel school
Have fun! Make sure to leave a review! 🐣 🥳