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Scribe-iOS 2.1.0

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@andrewtavis andrewtavis released this 06 Nov 09:46
· 824 commits to main since this release

⌨️ New Keyboards

  • Adds a QWERTY keyboard option for French.

✨ New Features

  • The left and right buttons in the conjugation and declination views are disabled now if pressing them will not lead to a change in the view.
  • Autosuggestions for pronouns have been improved for German, French and Spanish.
  • The keyboards shift state is disabled by pressing an autocompletion or autosuggestion.
  • Autocomplete now functions after quotes, slashes and hashtags.
  • Scribe can now access unordered names in the user's contacts to present them as autocompletions.
  • The delete button now speeds up as the user holds it.
  • Typing a period, comma, question mark or exclamation point now removes a space before them if there is one.

🗃️ Data Added

Thousands of new French verb conjugations have been added!

  • French: 134 nouns, 3,905 verbs
  • German: 42 nouns, 15 verbs
  • Italian: 247 nouns
  • Portuguese: 15 nouns
  • Russian: 11 nouns
  • Spanish: 2,472 nouns, 244 verbs
  • Swedish: 89 nouns

🎨 Design Changes

  • The labels for conjugations and declinations have been made darker in dark mode to be more readable.
  • French keyboards are now named based on their keyboard style.
  • Keyboards will now display the language followed by "(Scribe)" for a second before showing the language's word for space, similar to the system keyboards.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • The accent character on the French letters keyboard is now the correct character.
  • Indentation has been removed from all Scribe JSON files to reduce their file size, speed up the load times and mitigate crashes.

♻️ Code Refactoring

  • Loading JSONs for language data is now handled by SwiftyJSON, with the code being refactored to implement it.
    • This is a first step in refining the data loading process to better handle large amounts of data.
  • Light and dark mode colors are now defined in Assets.xcassets and accessed via ScribeColor.getter:color or UIColor's new convenience initializer.
  • Variants of the Scribe key icon are placed into Assets.xcassets, making it unnecessary to check for light/dark mode and device type in code.