is Gasper on the command line. It allows user to deploy and manage applications and databases from terminal.
Using this package requires a working Go environment. See the install instructions for Go.
gctl can be installed using following command.
$ go get github.com/sdslabs/gctl
If you get following output, that means gctl is successfully installed.
$ gctl
Gasper is an intelligent Platform as a Service (PaaS) used for deploying and managing applications and databases in any cloud topology.
To execute commands of gctl, run Gasper on your local environment.
After Gasper is up and successfully running, generate PA Token to login in command-line.
Login to gasper using following command to generate the PA token
$ curl -X POST \
http://localhost:3000/auth/login \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization-Type: gctlToken' \
-d '{
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "alphadose"
After getting the PA token, login to gctl using command gctl login
with flag e for email and t for token. Both of the flags are required.
$ gctl login -e [email protected] -t eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhZG1pbiI6ZmFsc2UsImVtYWlsIjoiZ21haGFrMUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE2MDIzNTE4MTAsImdjdGxfdXVpZCI6IiIsIm9yaWdfaWF0IjoxNjAyMzQ4MjEwLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im1haGFrIn0.bImaUw9p8K_2QMpMqCAyHQHzX2aukDaRpXTDXmAkAoc
Logged in successfully
Now that we have logged in, we are ready deploy and maintain our applications and databases through command-line.
Create a new application using command
gctl create app
. You can provide required details of the app either through a form in terminal or passing a json file in a flag.-
Create an app by entering details in a form in the terminal.
$ gctl create app *App Name: test *Language: php *Application Password: **** *Git URL: https://github.com/sdslabs/gasper-sample-php Is this repo private? [yes/no]: no Branch: *Index: index.php Port: 8000 Does this repo contain Gasperfile.txt? [yes/no]: no Build Commands: Run Commands: Environment Variables(key:value): App created successfully Container Id: 32e81f3d244d09da489aec03bea932ae7d96e8e2f5bd9484fc7a21a7e0e967dd Container Port: 44437 Docker Image: docker.io/sdsws/php:3.0 App Url: test.app.sdslabs.co Host Ip: Name Servers: [] Instance Type: application Language: php Owner: [email protected] Ssh Cmd: ssh -p 2222 [email protected] Id: 5f8c8d094374798e04edf3d6
Fields with * are required.
Provide app details in a config json file. Just create the json file with necessary data. Example for required json data to deploy an app can be found in example section of Gasper Docs. Run the command
gctl create app {filename} {language}
in the same folder where your config file is and the app will be deployed.
Fetch details of an app using the command
gctl fetch app -n {name}
where n is flag for the name of the app. -
Fetch details of all the apps using the command
gctl fetch app
. -
Delete an app using the command
gctl delete app {app name}
. -
Rebuild an app using the command
gctl rebuild {app name}
. -
Fetch logs of apps using the command
gctl fetch logs {app name} {number of logs}
. The second argument, which is for number of logs, is optional. -
Update an app using a json config file with command
gctl update app {app name} {filename}
. Config file format should be like the one you provided while creating the app. You can also provide details by filling a form in terminal using the commandgctl update app
A new database can be created either by providing details in flags with the command or by filling a terminal form. Following example shows how to create a mysql database via Gasper using gctl -
Using flags -
$ gctl create db -t mysql -n alphamysql -p alphamysql Database created
Here flag t is for database type, n is for database name and p is for database password.
Using terminal form -
$ gctl create db *Database Name: alphatmysql *Application Password: *********** Database Type: mysql Database created
Fetch details of a database using the command
gctl fetch db -n {name}
where n is flag for the name of the db. -
Fetch details of all the databases using the command
gctl fetch db
. -
Delete a database using the command
gctl delete db {db name}
Fetch details of all the instances using command gctl fetch instances
Logout from a system using the command gctl logout
. You can also revoke the token from sws or using following curl command.
$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:3000/auth/revoke -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "alphadose"
{"message":"token revoked","success":true}
We are always open for contributions. If you find any feature missing, or just want to report a bug, feel free to open an issue and/or submit a pull request regarding the same.
For more information on contribution, refer to the contributing documentation.
If you have a query regarding the product or just want to say hello then feel free to visit chat.sdslabs.co or drop a mail at [email protected].
Made with ❤️ by SDSLabs